In the Spirit
  Poets, Poetry, & Poems

I have had the good fortune of meeting a lot of people who have had spiritual or spiritual-psychic experiences. Of all those people, by far, Rebecca has done the best job of Illustrating the Truth about spirituality - which is often much better than explaining it in rational arguments. Since a focus of this poetry page is on spirituality I thought I should start with that.


When you see your knowing come true

A scene of a life unfolding

Two years before life knew

When you know loves meaning

And feel the frequency of powerful truth

Sometimes you are shown your path

Future moments given for review

The gift and curse of this sight

Colors my world in shades of blue

I must believe or not believe

Stay blind or walk the path to you

And while I surrender to the mystery

All the feelings come along too

I get fractured by this weighted sight

And the knowing that comes from the view

Poet 💫


To Be, or Not To Be? That is the Question! -

Rebecca, who was very private about her experiences, as many are, spoke about the essence of spirituality in a poem about her experiences says pretty much the same thing that I do - except much more creatively and expressively! The following is an excerpt from her poem. The pivotal question is as Rebecca says: "I must believe or not believe"  - To Be or Not To Be , That is The Question! I am a little more pedantic about it but I say the same thing - experiences force the mind to do something with the experiences - one way or another   --- which comes down to "yes or no?" Believe or don't believe? To Be or Not to Be? It is the Ultimate Question of what to do faced by something that just doesn't make sense? - Faced by the Ultimate Chaos Question?    

The gift and curse of this sight

Colors my world in shades of blue

I must believe or not believe

Stay blind or walk the path to you

And while I surrender to the mystery

All the feelings come along too

I get fractured by this weighted sight

Flynn, who at age nine, had a dream that his mother would die mirrors what Rebeca Says as well!

many times I have explained to my children that reality is a very important observation and that understanding it, is living in the now the present regardless of the past reality which only exists in your mind .They have started to understand and understanding it does not destroy the world you live in if you have always been kept in the loop as it is called your reality for example if i have seen the future told others of it and it happens what is the meaning of it ,I am not sure, yet It happened several times and it is my reality.

                               "fractured by this weighted sight"

I feel I should highlight Rebecca's brilliant insight:

I couldn't have said it better - "fractured by this weighted sight" - an absolutely brilliant insight!


In truth, this poetry page, for me, is a bit selfish. In my experience, I have found that artists and creative people can really kick out some energy through their writign adn their creative mosaic of symbols and symbolism - as well as their passion - which can, in my experience, literally be quite contagious - as in Jung's concept of "contagion."

Angel, a counselor and confidante that I met back in 2017 on my journey, eloquently and passionately describes her vison of "spirit" and spirituality that seems to be inclusive of and embrace many others' views and understandings of spirituality : “Spirit, to me, is literally; everything. It is the universe beyond our very small, limited existence as human in a physical world. This encompasses your view too, of Spirit being a creative force. It is THE creative force since it is everything. So, when we as humans, create or connect or dream or heal...we tap into Spirit.” As Angel mentioned my view has always been that spirit and spirituality is in essence and at the core creativity-energy and life-force and drive. 

Annael Poet Artist, perhaps said ti best, when she said

"The ability to be an artist, a true artist, stands like a gift from the Gods in one's soul. To be able to bring down to Earthly life the images of harmony and beauty that live and weave within the Spiritual Worlds, is something that cannot be learned or taught. It is like a river that simply flows and it is a blessing that no human being can produce by himself/herself, but is a Divine Desire and Choice to bestow such a gift unto a human being....As for the gifted person though, this gift must be looked at only as a grave responsibility, and that the whole Glory belongs to the Gods, not to the human being."


Below is a Brief synopsis of what Spiritual People Say about Spirit and Spirituality

1, Gerlinde Staffler, an award winning poetess: brief bio and views

I'm Gerlinde Staffler, a writer from Italy, I started to write in September 2020.

My poems are mostly emotional and strongly philosophic and spiritual! This sides in me are the motor to live the life in fullest way!

Spirituality is a limitless dimension of human experience and has a special approach to life, where research and inner growth counts, extending our life to a deeper level of existence that brings balance to body, mind and soul.

Marija Najthefer Popov: an Award winning Poetess from Sivac, Serbia

Marija says that her poetry focuses on "Love, the beauty of the rose ... and all my songs are focused on the essence of a woman. A woman's mother, daughter, sister, lover is lonely ... a woman and a woman's inner nerve.

There are countless women in me. I write about them. Spirituality but, that spirituality is so magical, so elusive .... to everyone ... Only hypersensitive women are filled with that spirituality and only those, such, can feel, experience ... all emotions and all passions ...."

3, Marwa Gally, a spiritual Muslim woman and wonderful poetess:

Marwa Gally, who is from Sudan, enrolled in a University for women, who has had spiritual experiences of her own and has a beautiful poem about the "spirit eye" below which many people appreciated and "liked" when i was posted it. Marwa's spiritual experiences do appear parallel to "dark nights of the soul" as the psychology masters student explained it.

4, Linda Skarrup

Linda Skarrup, a Buddhist, observed that "Spirit" covers a wide range of beliefs and experiences that are personal! I don't think it's possible to pin it down to just one 'thing'.....for myself, it was a gradual awakening as to who, I AM. It was always there waiting, my first direct experience was at a meditation retreat in Montana... 30 days, no talking, nothing but meditation, food, sleep. One morning, while watching the snow come down outside through a big picture window, I heard the phrase: "this", is all there is"! Later Linda added "My spiritual practices GOT ME TO HERE! There are many paths, many teachings and many teachers.... seek and you will find the right One For You...

Last year when I started my spiritual awakening, coming from a life of agnosticism and eventual atheism, I felt that I was only now beginning to reclaim something that was stolen from me a long time ago.

5, Annie, a psychology student in a masters program:

I went through a major 'dark night of the soul' for a few years that led me to question and dig deep deeper into my false beliefs and what is really going on in the world. In a separate comment she told me that "Spirit is definitely primordial - existing prior to, within and after material. Everything is energy. Like a fish in water, many are just unaware. It's also largely a highly personal experience so the experience may come sooner for others or not at all if they choose to look at a superficial level.

Almost all of education unfortunately focuses on developing and using the left-brain, logical mind and not the right- brain creative mind. Both must be balanced. When people are stuck in the left-brain, they will never understand your spiritual message. The unconscious speaks in symbols and is the key to spiritual truths but people no longer understand how to use this. I feel it is by design...."

Similar to Linda, and Angle, Annie's concept of spirit in that it is "pervasive in consciousness" (everything) and a way of thinking is "everything" as well. She also talks about energy. A moment's consideration of how science might objectively describe or define life in an abstract way, describing "life" as energy or an energy system would seem likely candidates.

6,Marwa Gally, a Muslim woman who has had spiritual experiences of her own and has a beautiful poem about the "spirit eye" which many people like when I posted it. Marwa's spiritual experiences do appear parallel to "dark nights of the soul" as the psychology masters student explained it.

Of her own spiritual experiences Marwa said her spiritual experiences are a "Gift by Allah, giving to those who love believing in him, and give them this spiritual gift" - a "gift and will commit leading to creativity and geniuses." Marwa went on to say that different people have different "gifts" - much as Corinthians in the New Testament lays out about gifts - such as the gift of wisdom, clemency and patience. gentleness and patience, bravery, intense faith, resourcefulness, and leadership, as well as discernment and inspiration.

7, Shyamala, a hybrid Christian-Hindu similar (though likely very different as well) - to Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's hybrid beliefs. Tulsi Gabbard says that "I was raised in a multi-faith family studying both the Christian and Hindu scriptures. We observed Christmas and Janmastami (the birth of Jesus and the birth of Krishna). So my two primary sources of inspiration, spiritual comfort, and illumination come from the New Testament, and the Bhagavad Gita (the song of God), the ancient Hindu scripture spoken over 5000 years ago." (from Tulsi's website

Shyamala states that "In our Vedas teachings, we each have a Dharma...a sort of duty... There is the Dharma of an educator...there is the Dharma of an intellectual person...who will always be in the pursuit of gaining knowledge...& enlightening others about it... There is also the warrior Dharma...The merchant Dharma... The labourer Dharma... The other is the outsider Dharma... These are the people who change things... None is superior or inferior. All the above is needed for us to function in this world, relying on each other's Dharma." That is each individual has their own cosmic divine destiny - or dharma. Again this is very parallel to both the Corinthians as well as to Marwa's views. 

8, Kathi, and several others I spoke with who have had spiritual-psychic, describe spirit as "guidance", "discernment", and judgment. In that Kathi is a lifelong Lutheran, it isn't surprising that Kathi's definition of spirit as "guidance" matches what Christ said in Luke that the Holy Spirit gave "Guidance" to Simeon.  Carl Jung couldn't have been clearer or more succinct when he stated "Spirit gives meaning to his [man's] life." (CW8:643) The contemporary psychologist remarked about emotion that a primary purpose of emotions - which all agree are essential to most spiritual processes is to "direct attention" which determines of course the orientation and motivations of people. As one neuroscientist observed "attention, intention, and motivation" are all intimately intertwined and interconnected. 

 9.  Sarah, who has had a few spiritual-psychic experiences expressed her understanding as "Religious and spiritual frameworks allow human beings to co-exist comfortably with mystery and unknowing. My relationship to God is limited by my cognition (ability to intellectually conceive or imagine ) It is also outside the scope of my material perception (eyesight, hearing, etc.)  Yet, this relationship is essential to my existence. Technology has benefited mankind enormously but it has limits and can be used for bad ends."


11, Charles E Peck Jr - Me: If I were to explain my understanding of spirit and spirituality in two words, they would be Creativity-Life Force and Drive-Righteousness-Idealism (actually more than two words). The reason for that is likely a result of my personal Dharma - or Spiritual Truth - which clearly appears focused on Political Intuition-Precognition, as it were! As a result of my orientation, my view is that a pivotal type of spirituality for humanity would be the spirituality of civic activists like Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and Tolstoy - each who found inspiration and motivation in their spiritual beliefs.

A commentary: From Genesis it is clear God made 'man' in His image - and since human intelligence has no comparison that would refer, then, to  "spirit." In one form or another every religion a Deity of some sort imparts spirt to human beings. o, in that sense I would assume that 'God" or the divine gave human beings "spirit" for the purpose of people - human beings - using their spirituality as best they can.

 Reflections and Commentary

 From personal experience I have "felt" that spiritual experiences may well perform a synthesis function of some kind. The reference to spirit and spirituality being "everything" by Angel does mirror what Linda Skarrup emphasizes when she says that her "enlightenment" could be embodied in the proclamation - that "This, is all there is!"

That is, spiritual experiences do - on the face of it appear to be syntheses of understanding and awareness! Furthermore, a study on grieving demonstrated that people who "activate" their spiritual experiences in the process of grieving do recover from grieving more quickly than people who do not have experiences. That would dovetail into the grief psychologist, Neimeyer's argument that the process of grieving is a process of Meaning Reconstruction. IN that context then spiritual experiences as a synthesis process would dovetail with grieving as meaning reconstruction.

Meaning, a Sense of Reality, and a Synthesis Function:

J. E Kennedy's observations taken from his article, The Roles of Religion, Spirituality, and Genetics in Paranormal Beliefs, by James Kennedy, also dovetail with spiritual experiences as a synthesis process:   

The reports of increased well-being and other positive effects resulting from anomalous experiences are consistent with the common assumption that paranormal phenomena are guided by motivations or needs (Broughton, 1988; Stanford, 1974a; 1974b; Weiner and Geller, 1984). Although spirituality-related effects were most prevalent, more mundane beneficial effects were also common.

The Index of Changes Resulting From Experiences questionnaire (see Appendix A) indicated increased interest and belief in spiritual matters and increased well-being. As shown in Table 2, the most extreme changes were for spirituality-related items such as desire to achieve a higher consciousness, belief in life after death, and interest in spiritual or religious matters. A preponderance of positive responses were also found on well-being items such as feelings of happiness and well-being, sense of connection to others, optimism about the future, purpose or meaning for life, and motivation to maintain health. Reciprocal responses were found on the negative well-being items: feelings of isolation or loneliness, feelings of depression or anxiety, and worry and fears about the future.

Studies are, to be honest, few and far between when it coms to evaluating the affects on people, there does appear to be a at least a minimal consistency among diverse reports and studies that - as William James indicated in the classic 1902 study, The Varieties of Religious Experiences, that spiritual experiences create meaning and a sense of reality (p.48). There is a spiritual consensus of Viktor Frankl, Carl Jung, William James, and Emile Durkheim that spirit {spiritual processes] create meaning, perhaps best put by Carl Jung, "Spirit gives meaning to his [man's] life!" (CW8:643) Dr. Paul Wong, the prominent positive-existential psychologist, observes: “Frankl considers meaning seeking as stemming from one’s spiritual nature.” (the anthology, Meaning in Positive and Existential Psychology (2014), edited by Batthyany and Russo-Netzer,p.156) Paul Wong elaborates on that theme when he emphasizes that, “religious and spiritual beliefs and practice are thought to serve as a central component of an individual’s orienting system, which helps the individual understand, appraise, and derive meaning from stressful life events and ultimately helps that individual decide how to react.” (p. xl Quest) 

Paul Wong elaborates on Viktor Frankl's views regarding the nature and characteristics of spiritual or noetic (from nous)processes in the mind "in the following quotation: "The noetic (spiritual, specifically human) dimension contains such qualities as our will to meaning [Frankl's central concept of the human being's primary drive] our goal orientation, ideas and ideals, creativity, imagination, faith, love that goes beyond the physical, a conscience beyond the superego, self-transcendence, commitments, responsibility, a sense of humor, and the freedom of choice making. The human dimension is the medicine chest of the logotherapist. Patients are made aware that they have these rich resources of health within." (Fabry 1994 pp.18-19) (p.156) Also, Paul Wong notes that, like many other modern day existentialist-positive psychologists, “Park (2007) regards religion and spirituality as meaning systems.” (p. 156) 

Emile Durkheim, stated unequivocally - which most scholars concur with - that “Today we understand that law, morality, and scientific thought itself are born from religion, have long been confused with it, and remain imbued with its spirit.” (p62 el)  On top of that one can see that the spiritual beliefs in animal spirits must have played a pivotal role in the creation of meaning and social structure (meaning structure) in totemic societies. Furthermore, there is a synergy between the environment, the social-political structure and spiritual and religious beliefs.

Besides the synergetic relationship in totemic societies, the ancient Sumerian spiritual and religious beliefs formed a "Temple economy wit a centralized social-structure-government which was necessitated because of the dependence of the Sumerians at that time for sustenance on a crop that required a massive centralized irrigation system. There was also synergy between the ancient Greek religion based on a hierarchy of god and goddesses ruled by a Patriarch - which reflected the ancient Greek Mycenean Aristocratic government and ruling caste.

Throughout history, religious and spiritual beliefs have always adopted and adjusted - until now. For the life of me I can't find any theologians to talk about psychology and obvious problems like the Definist Fallacy which utterly butchers spirituality completely. One function of religious beliefs has been to explain the environment (i.e storm gods, etc.) I asked an Episcopalian priest and an Anglican priest if, in light of the fact that Christianity fought science tooth and nail from Galileo to Darwin and Evolution whether it is historically ironic that Christianity never questioned or challenged psychology at all. They replied, "Yes!" It is especially ironic since the Lutheran theologian Tillich stated "Religion is Mind" Psychology challenged religious beliefs with the "superstitious nonsense" norm, and Christina theologians and Christian leaders never answered the challenge.   

 A metaphor of light within the meaning of meaning


The best metaphor for meaning in life is LIGHT.

When we feel lost in the dark, we need LIGHT to show us the way to our destination.

When we don't know what is happening in the dark, we need LIGHT to understanding the situation and our role in it..

When we cannot see ourselves in the dark, we need LIGHT to see our true self.

When we feel the horror of night, we need to discover the LIGHT of shining stars in the dark sky.

When we don't know how to make our life significant, we need to endure sacrifice or burning in order to give LIGHT.

by Dr. Paul Wong

The Soul of Thoughts

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts.

Think only on those things that are in line with your principles

 and can bear the full light of day.

The content of your character is your choice.

Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is what you become.

Your integrity is your destiny…it is the light that guides your way.

Heraclitus- Greek Poet

Antiphon for the Angels

Spirited light! on the edge
of the Presence your yearning
burns in the secret darkness,

O angels, insatiably
into God’s gaze.


could not touch your beauty;
you are essential joy.

But your lost companion,
angel of the crooked
wings – he sought the summit,
shot down the depths of God
and plummeted past Adam –
that a mud – bound spirit might soar.

 Hildegard of Bingen

The earth sustains humanity. It must not be injured; it must not be destroyed.

Hildegard of Bingen ( 1098 – 1179), also known as Saint Hildegard and the Sibyl of the Rhine,

After Jutta’s death, Hildegard was named prioress, leader of the nuns but under the authority of the abbot of St. Disibod. Within a few years, Hildegard told her confessor of visionary experiences; he had her write them down and showed them to the abbot. The abbot and the local archbishop ordered Hildegard to continue writing. After some resistance, Hildegard agreed and began the ten-year task of writing what would become Scivias, a report of 26 visions that would sum up Christian doctrine on the history of salvation.

Hildegard of Bingen: The Nun Who Loved the Earth - The Theosophical society

The Unknown Wanderer

walks a path that

some think leads

to awakening ...

But It does not lead

to any awakening

He is asked:

‘Is that the path that

will take us to

awakening ?’...

“No. It is not.”...

‘Then where is the

path that will take

us to awakening ?’...

“No path ‘takes’ any

one to awakening.”...

‘I do not understand.’...

“Awaken to the Path Itself”

‘The Path Itself.’...

“Yes. Become the Path,

‘Here and Now...

Knowing each

and every step

Awake and Aware

Then walk the Way in

Conscious Awareness

Helping others on their

unique paths on their

journeys back to Source”

The Unknown Wanderer

doesn’t have to walk the

Path along the Way

This Sage is the Way

epc 1956-

Remember the stars

Remember those stars

 That were above your head.

They were three aching

from loneliness, bleeding

on days, weeping at nights.

Remember the stars, when

your wounds were alive

pulsing pain from that orphan

feeling of your coming death.

On the wait, you were still

Witnessing the stars counting them

one by one for you to forget,

but they were reducing in number

burying themselves in the sky.

Oh remember those stars that

Your neighbors in sadness, they

were your good friends who

listen to you and wait for your

life to come back, while you were waiting

for death.

Remember how to repay the stars.

go back in that desert thank them

feel them, they're still there.

Marwa Gally/


  But the Briefest Brilliant Light,

So much like a shooting star

Life and Creativity reaching so high to touch the divine,

a thought-instant of brilliance in an infinite universe

so much like Like the ten thousand hurried, rushing moments and scenes of mortal life, 
the Briefest Brilliant Light from a Shooting Star 

         burning bright - and brilliant!
                  passes so quickly
is yet, but bright for the briefest of times - 
                  perhaps, a minute, perhaps even two

our only too human lives - 
at the end appear but the tiniest time of thought-instants 
linked together by the most delicate and fragile insubstantial \
memoried images  

     our spirit, our life-force and energy
burning bright fiercely in the brilliant life-energy 
                creation of meanings and purposes

a tale threaded with passion and drama
which - in our mind's eye so brightly spotlight-ed theater
a saga embracing momentous passions, 
of loves lost and loves found, 
stormy desires and turbulent temptations, 
all on the stage of truth - 
and finally, by chance, coincidence or destiny  
perhaps even enlightenment and transcendence,

though only hardly understood or grasped at all
there is an unconsciously driven mutual sharedness within consciousness

 A communion of life, energy, purpose and direction
a collective connectivity and mutual decision-making
not oneness,
                     yet, an intertwined being, and life-evolution

Author: Charles E Peck Jr.


by Molly Fisk

How valuable it is in these short days,

threading through empty maple branches,

the lacy-needled sugar pines.

Its glint off sheets of ice tells the story

of Death’s brightness, her bitter cold.

We can make do with so little, just the hint

of warmth, the slanted light.

The way we stand there, soaking in it,

mittened fingers reaching.

And how carefully we gather what we can

to offer later, in darkness, one body to another.

A Contribution from the Creative Writer Maria Popov of the well-written and notable Brain-Pickings email-magazine

Pearls of Longings

This vast widely felt horizon

Immerses its longings in the scintillating sea,

Where diving in, cool pearls bring along,

Warmed up from the sunrays of thee.

Oh shells of beauty holder,

You whisper gallant secrets to my ears

Of magical rows of water lilies,

Where drops of dew are gems, not tears.

Lulled by the watching terse sky,

Feelings roll in opaline dances,

Touched from the beholder's azure eye,

In the haven of our golden fancies.

©Gerlinde Staffler | Italy


Come closer and look at me.

Tell me so far what you can see.

Is your mirror truly reflecting my eyes?

Or is it detecting what seems less nice?

Entangled in the waves of changing feelings,

You are prey to their strange dealings.

What the proper perception is,

No one can say it merely by this.

The answer abides in the core unseen;

In the intuition where it has always been.

It tracks the path to a clearer sight,

Giving your thoughts a natural flight.

©Gerlinde Staffler | Italy

Poem by Rumi

I can't help but comment that this poem resonates with some of Rumi's poems,

and the passionate embrace of a spiritual vison of world and truth  -

Such as Rumi's Poem Below centered on Foreseeing

Patience is not sitting

And waiting,

It is foreseeing!

It is looking at the thorn

And seeing the rose!

Looking at the night

And seeing the day!

Lovers are patient

And know that the moon

Needs time to become full!


The Escaped Desire

From a clenched jar escapes a desire

to show up its joy in sparkling appearance

to pick clever blooms which in life inspire

nothing should grow simply by chance

Like clouds soaked with gifted wishes

over the land it strays seeking a stay

where a feast offers prominent dishes

my wildest dream can proudly sway

Ticking time gives thoughts a form,

moulding them to feats of strength

from no might they could ever be torn,

beats of life and love, full and intense.

© Gerlinde Staffler

Poetry of Sufi's and Spirituality!

The Face of divine is a light
That enlighten 
The whole universe 
No one only “ one God”
From earth to heaven
The light of divine is 
Majesty of God
Our creator 
The knower of (everything)
                                   T.S - Tasneem Sohail

This poem could of been written by a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Hindu talking about Brahma, the Creator God, or a Buddhist talking about the divine nature of the "Life of the Universe." As it is, Tasneem Sohail happens to follow Sufism. While there is much to divide religions, spirit and spirituality form bridges between the myriad religions and diverse beliefs, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Christianity, for instance has the concept of the Holy Spirit. Judaism has a parallel concept of the Holy Spirit they refer to as Ruach Hakodesh. Islam has the concept of the Holy Spirit as well which they call Ruh al-qudus. 

Sometimes I say a poem
To wring out another drop of 
a sun !
It respond 
by climbing on the words
Then lift its winks
Causing the whole sky
to fall !

another good poem by Tasneem Sohail

A day of silence can be pilgrimage in itself , it can help you to listen your soul
Defense of crumbling fort ?
I thought. We are here to
Surrender to silence 
To yield a light.

Tasneem Sohail!
I have drunken 
By my spiritual Guide
A rich drink of
That bond of living and
Dying at once broke 
I felt such intoxication 
In this oneness 
I became one.
                        Sufi Faqeer Ali.

                                white rose,

        So simple, yet...... so sophisticated!

White, a color of cleanliness, of purity, and of innocence
- the color of brides and angels 
A Color of Faith, and even more,...Enlightenment.
An honest color 
A Symbol both of new beginnings and endings,
White is a color intrinsic to idea-symbol of rebirth and growth!

Yet,……for me,
“White” reflects sharing, companions, and connectivity;
Companionship is sharedness, that intertwined mutual understanding
Of Being and Enlightenment!

In the life-journey
- That Quest for Being, understanding, enlightenment, and Truth
Often begun in an anguished and tortured self-awakening
 Is a journey which can be long and arduous,
 at times, bringing pains, and hardships!
Is not defined by its purpose, or defined by arriving at its goal, 
but Life is The Journey defined 
And the journey is created and shaped by connectivity and companionship!
Just by Being – and - There
Can share the journey – 
Can share the smiles, the joys, the sorrows, the pains, the ups, the downs -
And companions can share both the silence and the singing

Without others, without sharing, 
There is only emptiness,
An absence, a “missing,” and an un-presence - no smiles, raised eyebrows, brisk skipping
Or even frenetic pacing or downcast eyes 
In un-sharing, even mere walking on a path
 becomes a burdensome heaviness, weighing deeply on heart and soul.
-Then anguish stalks the byways and roads of your journey
Without others what reason is there to go on?

Sharedness and sharing brings happiness and 
pleasure simply from the joy of connecting
Connecting-sharing is so simple,
At once both pure and without presupposition!
Within sharing there is an enchantment, 
A newly discovered universe of spiritual beginnings and rebirths.

Sharing, connectivity, belongingness, togetherness, empathy and compassion 
are the multifaceted petals of the wondrous white rose 
in its beauty of synergetic singular life-beings as companions
in an interwoven tapestry of mutual collective thought-decisions ……….and Perspective,

In a challenging, hard-driving, tempestuous world,
 Amidst a tortured, worldly-need-driven, mind-melting whirlwind.
Companions bring balance and a truth beyond the cause & effect of physiology and mind
Without which the “I-WE” both, “I” & “We” might just get propelled off course,
By the hard-driving overwhelming worldly images and information,
and lost in the jungle of the ten thousand truths-illusions, trickeries, and skin-deep appearances   

Companions energize in the symbolic emotional truth of purity and rebirth of white roses, 
Are truly the real and true Miracles of this Journey of intertwined mutual Being  

Author: Charles E Peck Jr. 

Reflections and Commentary:
I wrote this particular poem as an expression of gratitude for "companions' in my life - there are many but especially Kathi [my wife, who really should be properly addressed as Saint Kathi for her virtue of patience and tolerance], Angel, a spiritual counselor, and Susan, who always sends me a Christmas card no matter how stupid and outrageous I have gotten during that year, as well as many others. I have a had a few spiritual experiences and they can be challenging from time to time, and I believe I can very safely say that I have had my share of bad days. "Companions" in my experience, often just by 'Being there' can help you work things out. Without these people I doubt if 'I would have made it' – though I must confess, friends and companions don't always say things you want to hear!      

charlie five

in the soft wind amid gentle scenery at the open altar

the spiritually minded kept their eyes on the numinous light the whole time,

and of course the prodigal pirates will be back for the light; if they're really lucky,

they'll be back before they die, otherwise, right after,

but either way, moral of that story was not to be jealous of that path, j

ust grateful when they come back,

sure in what we see and what we know,

accepting that they aren't going to listen,

best we can do is smile at them silently,

eventually they'll appreciate it,

of course the dad back at home could 'see' into the future,

realized what would happen to his son who left home,

but phoning it in isn't going to help anyone, gotta let him see it for himself;

wise with the life of the universe,

flower of the eternal a city capital, village ruins washed and lined up in the harmony,

compact and strong like grains of sand,

chestnuts ringing like bells that dismiss the darkness,

hearts peering out from the root stump into clarity,

chestnut branches and leaves respectful of the severe frost, 

the barbed hooks linked to desire in the impermanence,

the spirits of the dragon river,

the bizarre and harmful demon road with ditches of deep and long-lasting heavy burden,

revealed in the clarity of Heaven's prayer,

pervading blessing of freedom from entanglement;

under the great swirling mystery emptiness,

stopping to breathe under the constellations,

mind stilled in the brightness, not knowing excess,

indulgence, or luxury, among the snakes of dusk,

cultivating auspicious repair, adhering to the ancient road,

in the soft wind amid gentle scenery at the open altar,

while the fields drain into the ditches, 

on the pilgrimage to healthy peaceful repose and stability,

through the broad house of waste,

with the secret method of fitting and proper sacrifice

amongst the extravagance and luxury,

numerous emperors carving and polishing the jade seedlings with truth and clarity,

river of protection building the foundation for the deep,

profound, and lasting greatness of man.

charlie five actually wrote this prose response on academia-edu in response to a post I made. I thought it was such beautiful verse I put it in a poetic format. charlie five believes in animal spirits and I could perhaps safely say that he has  turtle guardian spirit. A theme in my writing is that spiritual people can be quite creative at times. Personally, I am all about spirituality as opposed to religion and I'll talk to anyone with a spirit (which technically includes anyone on planet earth who is a human being.

The Garden Tree

A shiny soul

He has become for me

A brilliant reflection of the light I see

His reaching sight, of universal truth 

He hung his star inside my views

He simply knocked at the door of me 

So I opened the gate to wonder and believe

I invited him into my tiny garden 

I beckoned him to sit in connection with me

But he knelt to the earth as if a dream

And with his magical light, he planted a tree

I looked at him through my waterfall tears 

Can this be true what I see?

For never once did he flinch

He is not afraid of the intensity of me 

The roots, he said, will grow as they do. 

But my gift, this tree; shall be a canopy of love 

And I’m planting it here to watch over you.

I smiled then, taking his hand into mine 

And we walked about our garden lost to time

We watered our tree with our hopes and dreams 

And from that intention magic bloomed above me. 

Flowers unfolded reaching to the light 

Exploding blossoms made of love and life 

Laughing in the sunshine 

Under the sweet shade the winds caress

This place, a magic space

Shall be our escape from the chaos 

You shined your light into this poetic heart of me

And so forever a part of my garden you will be

Growing now, are those hopes and dreams

And all because you planted that tree.

So, welcome, my love.

You are now alight in me.


 Rebecca Makowski,

a poet and transpersonal therapist (M.A.-S, LPC-S, BC-TMH)


When you see your knowing come true

A scene of a life unfolding

Two years before life knew

When you know loves meaning

And feel the frequency of powerful truth

Sometimes you are shown your path

Future moments given for review

The gift and curse of this sight

Colors my world in shades of blue

I must believe or not believe

Stay blind or walk the path to you

And while I surrender to the mystery

All the feelings come along too

I get fractured by this weighted sight

And the knowing that comes from the view

Poet 💫

Rebecca Makowski

Burning bright


It is Going Full Out,

                            It is No Surrender

It is Unrelenting and Indefatigable -

It is Purpose and Drive

direction and velocity –

It is targets and ends to be achieved

                                           It is an an objective, to be reached,


Surmounting all other considerations

and criteria

It is That

               that MUST be Done

It is that which is Spirit within

-an all consuming drive

It is not just an essence or being for me

               It is an Energy and Truth for the many

Life is made or broken on ideas, on thoughts, thinking, and beliefs

And ideas and symbols that embrace the mysteries of human destiny and future humanities

all at risk, in doubt,

and ever to be struggled  - and striven for

In a word

 it is Spirit

Not solely in a mere word,

         But in overcoming the deathly emptiness of meaningless-matter

         Because in that model of a spiritless human being there are the ten thousand horrors

         And meaninglessness’ ceaseless tortures of thought and being

          With death and extinction stalking the Being and the Becoming of a Humanity Envisioned  though not yet born

But it is the spirit of life,

it is the bringer of truth,

Born of hopes, dreams, symbols, creativity and imagination,

It is the harbinger of unending creation,

   - spirt the workhorse of fruitfulness and productivity. 

My self!

I am but one light, one candle,

but I am far from alone

we come!

and there are many, many of us!

 we bring creativity and fruitfulness!

Charles E Peck Jr.

Violeta Jovanovska


Dead sea
One day
the memories of yours for me,
they will be just dust,
which you will trample on the floor.
But the rain will take her away,
where it belongs, where it belongs
in the embrace, on that,
Dead sea...
My words,
only nature listened to them,
but remained enrolled,
on the waves,
in that,
Dead sea...
And I'm just a bird white,
which stands by the coast,
and after the twilight,
expecting the new morning,
the new day,
besides the silence,
on that,
Dead sea...
The smell of salt,
covers my tears,
for my own good,
no trace left of me,
the footsteps of my steps,
let them erase the waves,
on that,
Dead sea...
I wish my bones,
to rest in a filthy place,
somewhere, along the coast,
on that,
Dead sea...
© Violeta Jovanovska

Might Makes Right - a Very Real, Dark Force of Historical Violence 


                                                               Screaming for the sky.

Arguments are stated,

Historical Cycles,

 Might makes Right,

born of arrogance,

A cultural state of mind – a prison of norms

               Barriers and boundaries

Binding thoughts to conventions

and mundane procedures, codes, and petty protocols

though unseen, unconscious, invisible

and unknown

is yet still a Force

A powerful emotionally energized force of symbolism,

And violent dark energy unleashed upon a witless world

It is the age-old serpent’s trick to give the illusion- the lie that ‘We’ are God!

-         that ‘We’ have the power, the right to rule All,

-         that ‘We’ have All the Answers, All the knowledge

Such a false and empty truth,

In that Absolute Truth is beyond all human consciousness,

For, without questions

               Unfinished understanding and knowledge will turn upon itself

-devouring that lying serpent and your Self and Worldly Being with it.

A Collapsing onto itself.

But for now,

In me, there are questions strung together,

               And thoughts of iron

-         as if chains, forged

 to hold and contain a violent and aggressive ignorance –

an ignorance born

               of some kind of twisted beastial logic,

 an irrationality with its own life of hunger and depravity

Calling, calling,

Horn blaring,

               Loudly, desperately,

 Tangled, perhaps even lost

among the mundane winds of the world blindly turning,

 as ever,

pausing for no one or nobody

not for compassion

not for understanding, or truth

 not even for an angel,

Turning, turning, turning

               And I dancing,

calling, calling, calling

 Singing Spirit,

With Spirit Screaming for the sky,

Hoping to touch the divine – or perhaps in truth be touched

And now,

Gathering is whispered by the wind

Rumors of Truth and Being are brought by these new winds

Often, I find it difficult to explain or express how, in my view, there are some very powerful social, psychological, spiritual, religious and historical forces that - in my view - are clearly powerful forces at work in the world today. For that reason I feel including my "Might Makes Right" letters to the embassies of the allies warning about historical cycles makes sense in that the historical cycle is an intuitive perception and not hard science. So, here is some "historical" background to add perspective for the poem above.

Letters to the allies embassies sent in Mid March 2017

In a letter sent to our allies' embassies, I stated: "I read an article which said that Trump’s envoy to the United Nations was going to “take names” and dictate terms to the nations of the world. That is an utter disgrace. When it comes down to it, at times, Americans can be downright arrogant. Some Americans (especially it seems when it comes to spirituality) think they have all the power and all the answers. The truth of it is Americans don’t even have the right question. History repeats itself and has definite cycles. I believe America is in the cycle of might-makes-right. After the Athenians defeated the Persians they rose to the leadership of the Greek world. They used their power to bully and dictate terms to their allies. The Athenians ended up massacring all the inhabitants of Lesbos on the argument that might-makes-right. Their policies ended up backfiring." There were, in fact, two armed revolts against the Athenians by their 'allies' who the Athenians had abused horribly. It was definitely a "Might makes Right" state of mind - and historical cycle. They say attitude is everything, and in this case it has been very real and horrifically true.


                            Leaks about Trump’s Abusive calls to Allies’ Leaders

July 30, 2020: The title of an article in the Indy 100, Independent stated that “Trump accused of 'near-sadistic' bullying of Angela Merkel for 'vicious attacks' in private phone call” The article went on to say  How Bernstein of CNN observed that Although Trump "regularly bullied and disparaged" other leaders like Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau and Scott Morrison, his most "vicious attacks" were reserved for women, the report claims. Bernstein quoted one of his sources as calling Trump's phone calls with Merkel and May "near-sadistic". Some of the things he said to Angela Merkel are just unbelievable: he called her 'stupid,' and accused her of being in the pocket of the Russians. He's toughest with those he looks at as weaklings and weakest with the ones he ought to be tough with.

The leak from foreign intelligence led to further revelations such as how Trump called May a “fool” on a phone call which was alter verified by former National Security advisor Bolton in his book. Bolton went on to say how he, former Secretary of State Tillerson, former Defense Secretary General Mattis, as well as another former top national security advisor all agreed that Trump is “delusional – off his rocker in common parlance. So it turned out I was right and then some in my letters to allies.  

Athenian Debate About Attack On Lesbos

While I have a few documented transcendental spiritual-psychic precognitive experiences, one of which, my very detailed notarized "What a nightmare" precognitive warning to the FBI, O believe the Might Makes Right Warning is the best because it does bring some major forces at work in our world and culture into focus. What makes the Might Makes Right warning is the specific detail about Greek history focused on Lesbos - because it highlights the "Might Makes Right" argument used by Athenian politicians by the Athenians which Trump and his Republican Supporters are using now. Trump's flagrant and blatant abuse of power has been recently perfectly illustrated by his attempt to destroy the election by hijacking the Post Office.  Many seem to think historical cycles is a philosophical theory. the Might Makes Right worldview and state of mind is a very serious - and violent - real force in today's world.

In the annals of Athenian history, Cleon, an Athenian politician, in a debate in the Athenian council about a punitive (and as it turned out bloody) action to be taken against Lesbos, an "ally" of theirs argued, “We are an empire, we are at war, these are the laws you have passed, you need to uphold them or you put the city and empire in jeopardy.” In Plato's book, the Republic, the philosopher Thrasymachus perhaps argued the power position more forcefully: Injustice, if it is on a large enough scale, is stronger, freer, and more masterly than justice' and goes on to state: Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger; Justice is obedience to laws; and Justice is nothing but the advantage of another." 

That is Exactly Trump and McConnell's attitudes and beliefs: "Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger!" Convicted out of his own mouth, as the impeachment trial was getting ready to get underway at the Senate, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) stated outright that no one should "expect him to handle President Trump’s impeachment trial as an impartial juror: “I’m not an impartial juror. This is a political process,” McConnell told reporters Tuesday while fielding questions about the upcoming trial. 

In a word, it is politics -and politics is POWER! McConnell, Paul Rand, Ryan, and Nunes hadn't the slightest intention of being fair or being concerned in the least for right and wrong. So Senator McConnell and the republican senator granted and acquittal for a president who uses National Security as his personal plaything. And what about: Andrew Milburn, a former top Marine officer who denounced President Donald Trump's decision to pull American troops out of Syria amid a Turkish attack on the Kurds, "saying it amounts to a betrayal of allies that will harm U.S. national security." and What about the 300 Former foreign service and Intelligence Officials who condemned Trump's use of the State Department as his personal "toy" or all practical purposes. All the Republican Senators are perfectly fine with that. The republican Senators have accepted and condoned corruption on a scale never seen before in America - all for POWER! 

Gerlinde Staffler


A cry, a heartbreaking scream

pushing out an inevitable why

I'm clenching my fist, 

for injustice to blast.

It's like hell chaining humanity

But now the limit is here

courage comes before the fear.

Unfairness can't break me anymore

changing started to occur

I will walk straightly my way

holding on to fight 

now and every day.

© Gerlinde Staffler

Gerlinde Staffler


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙝......𝙢𝙮 𝙥𝙖𝙩𝙝?

I'm feeling the stony path

under my naked feet,

sending with every step   

a swinging vibration

crossing my limbs like a ripple.

Life shows itself in movement

pervading me like an electric stream

My vivid mind fevers to face a question:

Where is the path's destination?

And where do I wish to go?

Time, a faithful companion

provides calmly expected answers.

Slow down,

observe the tiny things near to you,

then amplify your view,

move on with speedy pace,

placing your eyes on the wide horizon.

Alter the vision to comprehend

life's design is never defined.

You can listen to many human voices

reaching from near and far.

By observing your inner advices

like a wisely guiding star,

you will identify the core of your journey

don't slither into inscrutable mist of worry.

On your stony path you'll find surprises,

ponder what to take what to throw,

if they are joyful or evil, you know.

Therefore nothing will be clear.

Only in the end

you can see and understand

the whole achievement!

© Gerlinde Staffler

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣 𝙢𝙚 

The hero within me

struggles with earthly sufferings

touching with hands human misery

pushing myself into the abyss of conscience.

A dream of an ideal world is the foothold

guided by an immense force called love

Rising from the depth like the sun,

my hero is grabbed on a rope of strong belief

spilling out blood and sweat.

Sensing the mass of human boundaries

so overwhelming and disheartening,

love dissolves the choking ghost of fear.

Hidden talents hit the surfaces

breaking down walls that should never exist

Intuitive sensitive eyes are powerful

to instill confidence in need

reaching with compassionately doing

our highest divine being.

A generous hand is a rebirth for humanity's existence.

© Gerlinde Staffler

𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙙

Thoughts are wandering in turbulent streams

Many a blinking spot in my brain beams

I can't catch all these naughty fireflies

They flow through me opening my eyes

Thoughts leave me never alone

They're present twice like a clone

Roaming my woods in swarm of ideas

In numerous queries, worries and plans

Thoughts are sprouting like plants

Or like a range of hills of ants

My head beats like a battle drum

Leaving me so as I forget my name

Thoughts glide through my mind

Thoughts wrench from the heart unkind

They talk to me without strain

Of joy, fear, anger and pain

Unceasing thoughts fall asleep

Then in weird dreams they always creep

And fly with me all the night

But nothing can I do for their might

© Gerlinde Staffler

Gerlinde Staffler BIO:

I'm Gerlinde Staffler, a writer from Italy, I started to write in September 2020.

My poems are mostly emotional and strongly philosophic and spiritual! This sides in me are the motor to live the life in fullest way!

Spirituality is a limitless dimension of human experience and has a special approach to life, where research and inner growth counts, extending our life to a deeper level of existence that brings balance to body, mind and soul.

I have written the poem "The path" during a walk in nature...walking is like let flowing my feelings and thoughts about life inside and outside me. The path is a writing about our choices for the future and at the same time life lays many surprises on the way, therefore we never know exactly our destination ... but we should never worry too much and go ahead listening to our inner voice.



My strength has its roots in my weakness

when I feel my knees trembling

and my fibrillating heart is shaking.

Then my creative mind will take care of it

and search for the splinters of the cause. 

With an incredible force, 

it will unearth a feasible solution,

commanding disarrayed feelings 

wanting to break out of the fences 

like a flock of non-thinking sheep.

The more I realize my fragility

the more the fire ball of strength has a chance 

to rise from the swamp of my sad emotions.


Like a soft dandelion

force grows in the terrain of my heart,

often with severe pain 

it breaks through layers of numbing feelings.

And hope cuts the night like a powerful shining ray, 

warming up my blooming dreams, 

my growing convictions, my translucent will.


But the greatest power

lies in the magnificence of love. 

Caring eyes touch my soul

loving words are my supporting arms.

Love, the juice of my life 

sweet and tender

prepares the fulfillment of the impossible.

~ Soul Beauty ~

If you want to know where her beauty lies

I promise you it goes beyond

The simple hues of the honey, spruce green,

tangerine, dandelion, and chocolate

The colors of her eyes are soft and subtle, but passionate

Hazel is what they call it,

Bedroom eyes

Pretty as they are,

That's not where her beauty lies

I could tell you of her smile,

And the creases of her dimples

The corners of her mouth,

And satellites of her eyes

Yes her smile, Compares to a sunrise

It's warmth and it's glow

But even in all its bonny

That's not where her beauty flows

You could get lost in her curves

Yes her body is splendor

She could dance away the night

Causing you to render

You would give up your will

Give in to all temptations

But with all that is right

You'd better hold your patience

Yes her body is resplendent

But that's not her beauty's pendant

You'd admire her thoughts

They are a thing to value

Her unique way of thinking

Makes her all too often sought

For her mind is full of wisdom,

Logic, and reasoning

But even that is no comparison

To what lies in her heart

She's sweet, kind, and caring

Her love is overbearing

She wants to help everyone

And watch her people stand

She's an advocate for love,

Fairness, and forgiveness

For equality,

Dreams and creativity

Her soul is full of passion

It's where her beauty lies

Once you meet her,

You'll never forget her

She's written in the skies

In all of her aesthetics

You'll see a certain glimmer

A spark of satisfaction

A definite shimmer

You're sure of a reaction

Yes, She's pretty, certainly

But it's nothing like the beauty

Of her soul internally

© Justine Nichole 2021

All Rights Reserved

JNichole Poetry



When you step into my rose garden

walk slowly, barefooted

in a shirt made of the soul.

Do not put on you any other apparel

but code you used to unlock

my garden.

O, and do not press your nose

in the rose’s heart,

not too deep.

Admire her and gently

smell her.

She will retract her thorns

and hug you,

while intoxicating with scents

like with sweet, deceptive

liqueurs made of roses.

Do not force your selfthorns

will not understand you.

Fear will upset them

and they will come in front of me

like a shield

hindering your intention.

You will not escape.

Do not forget

you came in believing, committed

in the shirt made of soul,

bear footed on thorns.

If you stay sober and loyal,

in carriage made of petals

with horses made of fragrance,

you will be my gardener.

You gardener, will be

worth having

all my buds,

budding for you

in honor and delight.

Marija Najthefer Popov

Annael Poet-Artist is with Gopal Sharma.·


I do not belong to myself,

I do not belong to this place of sorrow.

The rosy dawns are born every morning,

slowly dying through the illusions of countless nights...

Dance, dance, my dreams, I will sing and you will dance!

Your movements will be my wings upon which I will fly,

and will find my forgotten abode where all lights shine.



A Poet Prophesies His Own Death

Poets Originating from Sudan

Trading Misery for Death: The Tragic Death of a Sudanese Poet - A tribute to a young Sudanese poet who drowned, last week, in the Mediterranean Sea: By Adil Babikir August 27, 2020

A young Sudanese poet’s prediction of his fate came true last week when he drowned in the Mediterranean. Abdel Wahab Yousif, better known as Latinos, died when a rubber boat packed with African immigrants sank into the sea shortly after setting off from Libya on its way to Europe. Latinos was well-known among the young generation of poetry fans in Sudan. The cocktail of hardships he had endured in his short life colored his verse with thick shades of melancholy:

I’ll run away from a homeland scourging my back with lashes day and night;

From a woman who doesn’t know how to feed my soul from her body’s nectar.

I’ll run from everything,

nonchalantly embrace demise.

Born to a poor family in Manwashi, Southern Darfur, Latinos managed against the odds to shove his way into the University of Khartoum. But even the bachelor’s degree he obtained from the Faculty of Economics failed to open up any window of hope. And, like scores of Darfurian youth, his last resort was Libya, a gateway through which successive waves of Africans continue to brave all perils in the hope of getting safely to European shores.

Latinos’ tragic departure last week sent shock waves among his friends and poetry fans in Sudan. Adding to the tragedy was the realization that the way he died was a perfect demonstration of a scenario You’ll die at sea.

You’ll die at sea.

Your head rocked by the roaring waves,

your body swaying in the water,

like a perforated boat.

In the prime of youth you’ll go,

shy of your 30th birthday.

Departing early is not a bad idea;

but it surely is if you die alone

with no woman calling you to her embrace:

“Let me hold you to my breast,

I have plenty of room.

Let me wash the dirt of misery off your soul.”

You are destined to go;

Today, tomorrow,

or the day after.

No one can halt the heavy wheel of destruction

running over life’s body.

It’s all in vain

no last-minute savior will come

and rescue the world’s body.

It’s all in vain

no flash of light,

to scare away the darkness.

Everything is dying:

Time. Language.

Screams. Dreams.

Songs. Love. Music.

All in vain.

Everything is gone,

except a violent vacuum

dead bodies wrapped in melancholic silence

and a heavy downpour of destruction.

The sad departure of this young man underscores the evolving tragedy of the people of Darfur. Although the Sudanese people managed to uproot al-Bashir’s 30-year dictatorship in December 2018, the people of Darfur are still enduring ceaseless spates of violence while peace talks between the transitional government and the rebel forces hit one stumbling block after the other. Meanwhile, more and more desperate youth seem intent on taking this perilous course, sacrificing their lives in the hope of a better future.

Mozen Mozen

No title

To the songs of yesterday:

I am without fondness.

I swallow the sun to see the moon’s true face.

Unturned rocks.

This soil is bitter.

I am written jauntily into a new binding

 and yesterday’s songs can’t reach me here.

I eke out a new melody and it’s name is truth.

It‘s the only one I know.

In the dust of your beginnings,

did you glimpse the inky blackness of my eyes?

Tell me, did you see a night sky or a matrix of desolation?

Milk-blind, I have broken apart all the choruses I knew,

but I find no relief here.

Mozen Mozen


I am Muslim and I grew up in the U.K. but originally Sudanese/and part Egyptian from my maternal grandma’s side 🙂 I hope that provides some context for my work—-for example, you may be able to see some Arabic influence in some of the syntax of my poems.  😀


Is it courage or folly

To love something ephemeral

Asks my heart of stone

As it beats out of tune with itself,

Unaware of its own

finitude: unyielding

If love is a visitor here,

I must not forget that loss is the sigh she breathes,

As she sits at the kitchen table and I

With my back turned at the stove

Playing house in the illusion

Of permanence

Knowing this well, I made my life (a tomb):

A shrine to (the god of) solitude.

You see, I embraced love once

Until/she came to me (weeping),

Moved the veil of hair aside and there

In the filtering afternoon sun,

I saw a scar running down the/other/side of her face, and she was no longer (beautiful to me).

For a long time, we didn’t speak. Then, (when I was ready), we sat and watched the morning dew become frost by evening. “What cruelty,” I said.

Moyen Moyen

Being immersed again in a city,

a familiar feeling has arisen in me.

A weariness of the world we've created together.

I see the consumerism, the expectation that our preferences be fulfilled,

the selfishness we've been conditioned into.

It weighs on me.

I am totally a product of this culture,

was immersed in it until five years ago,

so it also feels strangely familiar.

But, as I sit here at another doctor's appointment with my parents,

steeped in the western medical system (that's a whole other post),

I am reminded why I wanted to step out of this way of life.

Besides being unsustainable for the planet,

it actually weighs on my soul.

Stephanie Dawn Clark

Ana Bras doesn't talk that much about her spirituality. She did indicate that when she got into spirituality, she was going through some rough times.

When I was kissing the heavens with my dreams,
 the Spirit whispered to me words
 of the white Truth hidden in the hearts
 of seven virgins in a far-away land,
 of the bright power of seven white stars
 appearing only when the sky is quiet and dark,
 silent and empty,
 when everything is filled with eyes burning with fire;
 and in these unknown to me worlds,
 with my soul wrapped in clouds of roses,
 I saw how perfection slowly grows
 in an unearthly image,
 woven in an unearthly way.

I saw You in the secret garden 
among the dark trees of the night; 
You, the white light, reposing like a white bird 
among the whispering branches of my soul. 
I saw You in silence. 
You looked at me with eyes that speak, 
with gestures -- words of fire. 
My time flew off and disappeared, 
and You became time in me. 
O, white light of eternal love and life! 
The movements of the stars are Your breath 
and the Sun Your heart which grows in separation 
-- a fruit in sweet completeness -- 
carrying in its womb the Earth, 
like a seed predestined for the future, 
asleep completely in its present 
and dreaming sweetly in its past... 
[poem and art - Annael ]

[From Conversations with God]
The words that bury me,
the words of eternal fire and ice,
brought my Self to the end of its heavenly life.
And within me, You my God, You also died,
as Your death became my new earthly existence.
All Angels lamented and cried for my soul.
Their tears became like the stars,
like the kisses of sad constellations...
When the time of return suddenly comes,
and the hands of the night embrace me
with their scent of white withering roses,
I will not cry, I will joyfully sing,
and although my songs will be left here, behind,
I know that You, my God, are waiting for me
where the tears glow like the stars,
and where Your love lives and abides.
23 Jan 2019

Poems by © Violeta Jovanovska from Macedonia

  1. Symphony of love

In the corner of the room,

leaning against the wall,

the little violin waits for those gentle palms to touch her strings.

The notes written on a white sheet, they stand silently, waiting for him to play them, That divine, That only angel.

But he is not ..

They have been waiting for him for 13 years,

That only angel to visit them!

But he does not come.

No, he is not angry with them at all.

He went to eternal bliss,

but promised them that,

will come again,

and will play the symphony of love.

Footnote by Violeta: "Good evening, I would like, if possible, to share a song I wrote the other day, dedicated to a world-famous music star from my country, who was appointed Regional Ambassador to UNICEF is sadly dead , 13 years ago, but January 25 is his birthday and on that occasion I wrote the song. If you agree I will be glad. But even if it can't, then let it be just as an announcement. Thank you.

Violeta sent January 12 at 12:20 PM

2. For Toshe.

Happy birthday


When I close them

my eyes,

you shine again

purple star

in the sky.

In every dream of mine,

the soul is awake,

because he looks at you,

angel of God.

And if ours

lips silenced,

and no longer will he

pronounce your name,

the stone will speak,

the flower will split

and he will mention you.


high stern,

now in paradise

a garden is blooming.


only one...

© Violeta Jovanovska


3. Saffron

You have only one paradise

in your own soul.

Don't allow it

to make it

a sea of sadness.

Endless elegy!


in red colored.

Leave yourself alone,

to leave in the twilight.

Something new will be born,



The smell of the ice,

his heartbreaking,

it's not so scary,


The rough and empty hearts,

chamber of fear.

Look at the field

with saffron,

how it blossoms,

even though it's cold,

and around him everything is gray,

but he blooms,

waiting for spring.

And your soul,

can flourish

like the saffron,

though around you,

everything è dark...

©® Violeta Jovanovska


Saffron is a spice that originates from a flower called crocus sativus—commonly known as the "saffron crocus." It is believed that saffron originated and was first cultivated in Greece.

Saffron is extremely subtle and fragrant. The slightly sweet, luxurious taste is totally enigmatic!

4. Letter to the mother

It's hard for me my mother,

that I left you alone,

that I allowed old age

to live it without me.

I left, mother

in another country,

to ask for luck.

to create a new life.

With each passing day,

I felt your shed tears

which he rained down every night,

and they weighed you down like a stone in your heart

I heard your silent prayer,

they cheered my soul,

to endure all the torments here abroad.

I want to ask you, my mother,

are you waiting for me to come

and to open gates for you,

or send you a letter.

Dear mother dear,

my guardian angel,

remember me for a good old mother,

sweetheart suffering.

Forgive me for everything

my mother!

You know I never

I did not give up on you,

and that I have never forgotten you.

Mother Lead Me

Mother lead me

On this dark night

Shine Your light upon my path

I feel I am walking

As a blind woman

On a dark path

Protect me from harm

Keep me upon Your path

Neither to veer to

The left or the right

But straight to Your chosen goal

Shine Your light to direct my way

As a lighthouse warns sailors

Of a rocky shore

May Your light

Guide me to Your will

For my life

Help me to learn

From this dark night

And show me the way

Out of the Forest

Thy will be done

Jaclyn Horton

All Rights Reserved


Sunshine Pouring in my Heart

Once again when in a place of darkness

Darkness all around

Unable to see the light

I call out to You

Mother of my spirit

Full of Wisdom

I reach out to You

My hand extended

Surely You are far away

Unable to hear my cries for help

But no You come right away

Harkening to my call

You pour out Your light

Directly into my heart

Passed down from the Pleroma through Your beaming countenance

You know my pain

You know my struggle

I am eternally in Your service

No matter what shall befall me

Blessing or Boon

I shall serve You

Let me be Your tool

To bring about Your goodness

Your Wisdom

Your Light

Jaclyn C. Horton

All Rights Reserved ©2016


With each breath Ruach Elohim flows through me

I feel Your presence

Your flowing presence uplifts me

From the depths of Malkuth to the heights of Kether

I open myself to your Ruach

With each breath I take

I am continually blessed

Jaclyn C. Horton

All Rights Reserved


The Holy Bride's Viewpoint

I walk into the room

I see him sitting there

Such a peaceful look on his face

As always it seems

I feel compelled to do something

Something others will scorn me for

But I don't care

All that matters is that all righteousness be fulfilled

I must anoint his head with oil

But not just any oil will do

The most precious oil needs to be used

The pure nard must be used

For such an important task

Indeed I feel so honored

It must be done for righteousness sake

It is for this that I was trained

The emotions overwhelm me

As I anoint his most precious feet

The tears begin to flow

I dry his feet with my hair

I offer myself in his service

His task is such an honorable one

One that I will assist him with

I know what he must do

When I think about it the emotions wash over me

I must not let myself go there

I must support him with all my soul

I will be by his side as long as he is here

Here on this earth plane

In his service I shall be

Jaclyn C. Horton


Mother-Father God, I offer my thanks to you

You have showered me with many blessings

Your Creation gives me such a majestic view

Because of You my soul sings

It is You who are the Creator of my soul

To You I offer my undying love

I am likened to a newborn foal

But soon my soul with soar like a dove

Jaclyn Horton

Copyright ©2014


Jaclyn Horton noted that her poem "The Holy Bride's Viewpoint" expressed, in her view, how "Mary Magdalene must've felt, the intense anguish knowing what he was going to go through yet knowing she couldn't hinder him from his important work he had to accomplish. This was prior to the crucifixion.

I believe she was trained as an Egyptian priestess and supported his ministry monetarily as well. She anointed his body at Cana and after his death in preparation for burial and resurrection.

* My fall is here *

My fall has arrived...

Time has its special way of surprising us over the years.

Seems to me like yesterday I was young... But no. In a way, it seems like a long time ago. Where did the years go?

I know I lived them.

I have visions of what they were like and all my hopes and dreams.

But here it is.

Fall of my life has arrived and almost taken me by surprise.

How did I get here in my Almost 68 years, so fast...?

Where did the years of my youth go? I remember thinking fall was so far away I couldn't imagine what it would be like.

Some of my friends are retired and turning 'gray'... Like me, they move slower. Some are in better shape, others worse than me, but overall I see change. They were young and vibrant like me... But age is starting to feel and notice. Now we are those older people we never thought we would be one day.

Taking a nap isn't just nice as it was...

Now it's a necessary and almost almost mandatory.

So I have entered this new stage of my life...

Almost unprepared to suffer pain and discomfort, and loss of strength, agility and ability to go and do the things I wanted.

But what I do know is that this fall will go faster.

Then another adventure will begin...!

Maybe there will be some regret for doing things I would have liked not to do, and for not doing things I should have done...

But there are many more I'm happy with.

If you haven't arrived yet, let me remind you that it will come much faster than you think.

So: whatever you want to accomplish in your life, do it now, fast.

Don't postpone it for too long.

Life happens soon. Do everything you can today, because you'll never be sure if you're already in fall or not.

Only The Creator knows if you can live all the seasons. So live today and now, and now give the things you want your loved ones to remember...! * *

Life is a gift that The Creator has given us.

Make this trip unique, pleasant, fantastic for you and your loved ones, your friends and, in general, for those around you. * LIVE WELL.. * Enjoy your days..! Do nice things..!

Be happy.


' True wealth is health. NOT the pieces of gold and silver, or the money in the bank, or the material things that when you leave this world will be worthless to you. ' '

Finally suggesting: enjoy your life while it lasts. And remember dating is good, but returning is better.

If you forget names, it doesn't matter. Maybe those people forgot they knew you...!

Sleep better in a bed than in an armchair with the TV on.

Those who used to be freckles, now they say they are spots due to liver malfunction.

You have three sizes of clothes in your closet, two of them you won't wear again. You'd feel great if you give it to someone who needs it and can use it. You have so many things you never use...

And there are so many who urgently need them...

Keep them in mind.

But one thing you should always remember is that a lot... A lot of the old was good:

The old songs, the classic movies, and best of all... * YOUR SOUL FRIENDS.. * *

Say goodbye wishing you are well, dear and always remembered soul friend...

Please send this message to an old soul friend...

Surely reading it will smile.

I remembered so many pleasant moments from my past when they were present... And from each of you I learned something very valuable.

Not what you've gathered or accumulated...

If it's not what you've given and what you've given of yourself, what you've given with generosity and love, what the kind of life you've had will say.

I am not the author of this writing. I just liked it and edited it a bit.

Hope you send it to your OLD FRIENDS, and also to the NEW.

They will also have their fall, if the Creator allows.

Poem by unknown

                              It is the lacking

                                      looming, hovering, an oppressive presence overhead,

           The gathered greyly-darkled clouds,

brushing the horizon, lingering weightily on my eyelids

The ominous sky

               Leans over, with an oppressive awareness

The threatening-clouds intimidate, 

                    and glower glaringly,

          upon a winter-withered panorama.

Stark skeletal trees

           stretch longingly, with bony-branched fingers

                       vainly scratching the sparsely grey sky -

                                as if for revenge

These dark-barked life-drained silhouettes

                        blackly contrast to the grey horizon’s colorless canopies

               It is a sky blankly grey and devoid of hue,

                       and hinting darkly of death-masked veils.

The somber landscape,

             with the beaten, wintered grass hunkered down


the past-spring’s bright budded birthing, 

the summer’s growing green grass, 

and autumn’s pastel tapestry

Gone are the fond memories of lush life of brilliant well-flowered colors

                  Now, Numb to life, 

          and deadened in its own un-existence

Earth has dimly slipped into the winter's seeming dreamless sleep

                 - a dreadful un-life, un-buried, dirge

The world has lost all feeling, and slumbers

 in an soundless senseless nearly half-awakened awareness


Left only with a lingering feathery nostalgia

       for what was once felt,


Now absent

unwept and un-dreamt,

               Being fades to naught,

fraught with haunted fleeting memories

      yet being, now dead to the world

It is The Lacking, 

It is The Absence

That pains the soul!

It is something vibrant and vital

       Now, Not here,

Hurtingly missed;

It is energy and life

 which is so desperately sought;

Humans must feel!

Human beings must feel something!!!

- if only but the stripped-down and nearly naked self-pity!

though perhaps, the slightest breath of life

 – Life needs but the barest ember of hope!

Author: Charles E Peck jr. 

Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah, Bangladesh

What he says about himself: "Religiously I'm a Muslim. Modern, moderate, liberal and respected to all other religious belief. In fact, I'm humanity based person. I dislike extremism religiously or philosophically. (my italics!)  I like to think and accept logically and pragmatically, not emotionally. It's true I'm not atheist or materialist. Philosophically I prefer Aristotle, kant, Hegel and Bradley, Bergson and William James too."

It seems his poetry does have a bit of a political flavor. But poverty is a substantial problem in Bangla Desh. I personally love his position "I dislike extremism religiously or philosophically." There is way too much extremism in the world today - as in the political right wing extremist Christians in America.

Capitalist Cloud

Trembling harvest in muddy water

of heavy rainfall and rain-bullet is

thrown to ground likely arrowing.

Low-lying land seems stunned by

a barricade of rainy blow running,

Peasantry days look like a gala of

workless suitability moved idling.

Marsh paddy gathered in veranda

but drying in sun begins to sprout,

Sodden paddy gives out arrogant

fragrance alike fellow that pushes

Jobless days pass in amazement

when ripe crops go under flooded

water raising a painful load of loan.

Burden of loan is been shouldered

On befooled farmer in a frequency,

Either they're deprived of getting no

right price or, nature stands averse

increasing a compound interest of

given loan by capitalist authorities.

Who's a father could kill his born up

and brought up children! but here in

delta, cultivators have to burn paddy

or throw potato, tomato and onions

on highway from loaded trucks and

back home in purely empty handed.

Once they were exploited by landlord

Now by cleverer capitalist syndicate,

From prehistoric time proletariat are

puppet of capitalist or exploiter ruler.

Existent class difference never gives

any positive scope of creating a vital

sensation in them for a real outburst.

Working class, nevertheless, pushes

their coulter or handles the machine,

So that every human child may have

a handful food—protein and vitamin.

Even in a famine active their coulter

Feeding world dawn to dusk worker

Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah, Bangladesh

O' my beloved! Step to my earthy yard to rearrange

Our traditional lively ethics of sweated cultivation

For a rightful and absolutely balanced distribution

Of crops between lord-house and peasant cottage.

To set a logical rate for your lovely handed crops

Or, save your fellow to come back in huge harvest,

Let's go in the strike make our lords logically reset

As fall of capitalism is the oath of my blood drops.

How long days we've to burn our crops my darling!

Let's be united to store crops at the rate of labour,

To come back again that golden days really better

Let's make the harvest gate with our right marking.

You, my ladylove! Look at me, the Bengali nature

How furnishes this country in seasonal diversity!

What a beauty in its absolutely balanced equality

Let's distribute our households in a couple favour.

Then, come my true love to make a delightful life,

I will fulfil the conditions make you a bengali wife.

@copyrighted Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah,



Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah

In the midst of a dark-green forest look all of the trees

How thrilling to conceive some pollens in their wombs,

And smelling the creative scent of wild bumble bees

Hold the real nature of matured girl from womb to tomb.

To have been truly smelled with just an adolescent scent

Birds fragrant with a green scent run after beloved one,

Making a round they flap the wings to welcome in a rest

In the youngling turn law of youth makes nothing undone.

You are softly earthen and starchy with a red-coy in gown

From my catching eyeshot you instantly try to turn away,

With an affixed eye I find you in a quick turn upside-down

Just now our friendship gets natural turn in its own way.

Don't I have a solid sportive figure of an ancient Adam?

If not, who'll give water in your cultivable land, Madam!

Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah , Bangkadesh


Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah

As if flying your unfurled hair in the air

You were saying—O' my bengali man!

Enfold me just in a fruitful emotionally.

Make the soil fertile, don't go wantonly.

Swing the soil by your muscular hands


This soil is muddy all the year round

And easy to cultivating a good harvest.

Swear by your creativity come down to

Cultivable land, plant paddy-seedlings

In bengali belief as you are a cultivator

Alike your father, forefather and so on.

O' my downstream man! look here in

Deep water how cries in the upstream

Save its life by plying your firm paddle

Of manliness, stand against the rival air,

You agreeable bengali man! I swear by

Peace of life with upping my two hands.

I reply, O' perfect lady! you are agreeing 

Heart and soul, then what could I proffer

You without my heart's howl!

Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah , Bangladesh.

Biography in brief:

Shikdar Mohammed Kibriah. Poet, essayist and story writer. He was born in 1968 at vill: kachpurai, post: Goala Bazar, upozilla: Osmaninagar, Dist: Sylhet, Bangladesh. He has been writing for 3 decades and his published books are 15. Among them 6 of poems, 6 essays and 3 stories. He's M.A in philosophy and professionally a teacher. He is settled in his village home.

Marwa Gally - like Kibriah and Tasneem - is a Muslim. I have found spirit and spirituality can - at times - serve as a bridge and a way of connecting between religions. She saw my spiritual-psychic experience on FB and shared hers, with me - which are similar and parallel to mine, in many ways. For the record, when I asked, Marwa also clearly indicated that she is also against extremism in religious beliefs.

 "Yeah! You're right, I'm against the extremism thank you!"

Try to draw an eye in your heart and call it spirit eye.

Try to clean this eye every day and see how god will take after you.

Try to see yourself with the drawn eye so that you will hear your wise voice within you. Will tell you your dilemma of your addiction and mental issues are called on to you by you, you need to accept your strong emotions as sea accepts its raging waves.

Marwa Gally🌷

A really nice poem! I must say that the idea of a "spirit eye" is unusual and intriguing

Marwa said, "I wrote this poem to the river Nile's victims from people, house and plants."


The poem called "the raging Nile"

In Autumn, the raging Nile fears them all, people, the plant, the stars and the moon.


pretending his calm and thoughtful, but stars plotting his malice in June.


Running and running to the brim of his bank, til it's said THE DEATH is soon.



This time tell! You're calling which, you're saying what, you picked on whom.


PLEASE stop! You rage neither feeding soil nor lifting soul, but taken home and tombs.


Before you flood, just think of these beautiful kids, bride and groom.


Remember so! The previous years, you'd taken their loved ones with NO MERCY, you're silly and goon.


But we know who can fear you off, you thunder come! And call the wind to rip his rug, as so the rain and beat him off till he swoons.


Bleeding and bleeding your water is red, your heart is broken and NO IMMUNE,


To the harm, these people are used to misusing you throwing their dirty stuff in your room.


Look at here, pollution everywhere, you're dyspeptic feeling, only vomit and zoom!


Hey Nile see! They all left you, do you think they could stay, for Alharaz tree disgusts with you and left its bloom.

September 10, 2020

And I'm in the urgency

To erase the bird cost me grandpa

For the survival of the jellyfish

One bird spirit pandula!

And it might mean in serious custom

For the country to be satisfied with wheat for a year

And if the freedom of a bird is sold in my custom

And instead of erasing the birds

I threw the stone on the wave of anger

On the scale..

His heat rage is ′′ very very angry ′′

And when Andlette is that urgency

I found the waves and the bride of the feast waiting for me with the eyes of embers

To say a word of gratitude is enough for the wheat of his age!

Watari is in the heart of the wave, its intention is ten years ago.

The wave is commissioned to kill the Eid bride!

And with my stone, the bride of Eid will bleed.

And with my stone he won't eat my bird meat!

With my stone, the meaning of freedom will be translated as synonymous with grandpa

And sure determination!

And with my quarantine, his country is lost

She was in Ayoub's vision

′′ The unjust town is its people ′′

Marwa Qelly 🌷

What makes some poems very "salient" is that they are stories. Here are some footnotes to put context to he poems.

I used words in Sudanese slang, which is

Watari means what tends in the wave's heart was badly to kill the pride.

Eid is an Arabic word for Halloween.

Andlette is a slang word for get down.

Back in 2002, I used to go to my village, where people used: what it called (hahaya) its building consists of four branches, usually from acacia sticks, whose trees decorate river Nile's trip.

Hahaya is like a building is built in the midst of the field where the wheat tufts are planted.

So it is typically meant in English (shooing) it used to shoo the flock of birds from the wheat's field. hahaya's length goes up and exceeds the length of the wheat stalks "row wheat" reaching three and odd meters, and used for monitoring birds, weaving on its what it be like a light bed, in Sudanese slang also called "angrib" to me was used to sit on shooing those birds, it's only for kids to sit on, it doesn't bear a heavy weight, so that it can collapse.

Moreover, hahaya is connected to other hahayas which built in the same field by ropes arranged in the form of necklace, then attaching cans with the ropes after filling it up with pebbles, and each cans distant from the others by 10 meters. So when I was on the hahaya, wherein no roof upon me, I should shake the rope, so the cans will raffle roughly and this will scared the birds away, deterring them a great deal and with us screaming the birds are dispersed.

But focusing on my poem a tragedy could happen, when these cans aren't dashing well, the pebbles will scape and kill the birds instead of shooing it. The field of the wheat is for the country to back it up in sacks, so they will be reserved for 1years,. If the children like me succeed to protect the field from the birds, attacking it by pebbles, or wherever the birds, their ending of life or putting them under severe pressure.

I used to refuse this way, I had shake the ropes severerly so that can L's ended cut, and fell in the river. As though, I had felt the wave was calmed by the action of the tash "splash" of the pebbles falling in it.

As you know, you know Nile is raging every year killing people, these young people in my village loving its Bank washing their clothes in it, playing by creating slippery slopes on its Bank by the mud. When they slid down the slippery slope into the wave which swallowing these who their destiny to die.


Like the Moon I've been looking

For you

My Poetry

Where have you been so long!

At this late hour of life

I hear your footsteps nearing my door

I can detect your deer-eyes darting

Through the misty dark

I welcome you

My doors are open like a newly-wed

Country-bride awating her man

I've been for you

I'll never cease to be yours I promise

How can I deny my Existence!!!

©Abu Forhad

Bangladesh - 27/01/2021


Often the heart of man

is in hustle,

He seeks happiness, but does not seek it in the right place.

He feels a pleasant longing in his heart,

often thinking

,, who am I in the life of

those I know ".

And in the soul it creates devastation,

because no matter how hard he tries

to find the right answer,

he is always changing.

And so that desolation covers it with a creation in arts, science...

But there is no real joy here.

Various falsifications of spiritual beauty the world offers.

Only surrogates of happiness

he is offered by fake friends.

That's why there is a hustle in the soul,

which looks on a understood lake.

When the soul finds peace and joy,

then that black coprina that covers it, is no longer there.

© Violeta Jovanovska


I personally found Violeta's line, Various falsifications of spiritual beauty the world offers - especially striking.

footnote: Koprina means silk


Om Shanti Om, White Buffalo Calf Woman.

Fate’s boomerang whirling round a rainbow

in the skies above Katmandu. Eagle feathered

Familiar in the form of Cat Woman too,

trailing sparks in the silence of the forest dew,

searching for the fool who thought he knew

the lamp in the darkness of Lao Tzu.

If Minerva’s owl flies at dusk,

and with a glance a child bends

Neo’s spoon, it is not too much

to follow Gandalf’s lance

to the Tao in the new moon,

like water at the bottom of a lake,

flowing over stones

with a song that calls buffalo

back to the land.


don stefan


         Minerva's Owl

Minerva, the Roman Goddess of wisdom strategic (defensive) warfare, justice, law, victory. Minerva is also the virgin goddess of music, poetry, medicine, arts, trade, and crafts! Minerva is frequently portrayed with her sacred creature, an owl, usually named as the "Owl of Minerva!" The Sacred Owl of Minerva portrayed Minerva as symbol of wisdom and knowledge!


In Shakti-Hinduism, creation arises from the union of Purusha (Pure Self) with matter or energy (Prakriti). That is, Pure Self enters into matter and gives birth to the myriad energies (which then lead to the formation of the ‘false self’). Shakti” represents the primordial cosmic energy which is the dynamic force that permeates the entire universe. As the Sufi, Rumi, observed, “The lamps are different, but the Light is the same. One matter, one energy, one Light, one Light-mind, endlessly emanating all things.”

                                        Fears and Doubts  
Morphed into Terrible Fell Beasts  

A Greek spiritual agon - a conflict or fight - 
between the Madness of Illusions and Delusions
and Real Being

threaded by anguished pain and death-fears.
          I stand,
at the edge,
on a cliff,
on the brink,
so dizzingly-mind-tingling at stunning heights not reached before!  
          Towering, Towering far above,
a bottomless void, endless, and so deep, so dark
It is a long, long, long way down 
  - twisting perspective into an inverted vertigo
being both directionless lost within itself and turned inside out
 taking a sudden deep breath, then holding it 
then suddenly a simple question posed and 
forced into a suffering awareness 
          simple, yet, with perilous traps and pitfalls
Bringing a paralytic fear gripping limbs, and my bone dry tongue

These dizzying cruel torments,
born of barbed thoughts swirl about me
This memory of mine - this world-shaking experience - seeming so long ago,
So many doubts: Was it? Is it - at all? 
Or, Is it not-naught - nothing but nothing?  
So, then..... Am I a man who dreams of only dreams dreaming,
Not being in truth or reality

Being,.... so unordinary, it feels, seems, and tastes unnatural
 - perhaps better put - "ab-natural" 
an of-ness outside the being of ordinariness. 
   "Is what I have conjured up as “reality” naught but a mesmerizing mirage?’
- A mangled truth mocking what is really true or meaningful
 an empty void, a beinglessness of darkled shadows 
– a phantasm, 
and formless ghosted ghoul of being and truth 
wailing and moaning of life now gone and understanding lost

This inverted, reversely-mirrored vertigo-ed unreality 
has given birth 
to the fell and grisled beasts that are 

Doubts and Fears!

Terrible in devouring hunger,
these horrid ravenous bane-wolf dream-shadowed beasts stalk me,
heartless, cold, cruel, pitiless, remorseless.

I am hunted.
Though I feel the hot breath of the long tongued bestial rancor,
I am blind to the mauling monsters.
  Since these beasts are naught but sinister veiled phantoms of my
 darkly muddied and murkled mind

 I can all too vividly imagine the red-eyed fiends
  with their bloodshot large eyeballs, 
watching, scrutinizing,
 each thought that crosses my mind.
Easily, all too easily, I can sense
 the venomous drool from their fangs 
drip into my emotions,
poisoning my being with their filthy saliva
which absorbs into my body which begins to rot

There is no rest, 
no sanctuary from their merciless clawing questions.
Razor-blade-sharp their long curved unsheathed claws are the inflexible, irrefutable laws of logic,
Logic incarnated as destruction.
Against the world, the rational reality,
 it seems I have no faith to armor me.
The tomorrows crawl agonizingly, horridly, and tortuously 
across the tormented, pained, bodies of painful yesterdays.

The inquest is deadly and dangerous.
Inquisitive questions can be stimulating, even intoxicating.
But demanding and incessant questions 
That call the mortality and purpose of being into question,
casts gloom and a pall over the living of life

Question-burdened emotions configure drives of despair 
destroy the balance of existence and being.
And thus, creates the chaos of a Steppenwolf, 
torn by the need for ultimate truth risking difference and being of everyone else.
This dimensional churning of consciousness,
  where needs be, some kind of direction and charge, whether real or not.

In a land of uncertainty, 
a world fraught with half-thoughts and dark feelings.
It is all madness
Thus insanity is ordered and becomes meaning.

I am the self-created prey of my own imagination.
The doubts bring fears.
And the fears bring anguished pain.
a perpetual torture of mental anguish
The darkly hidden threat of insanity that brings cringed shaking.

Within the hideous dungeon of insanely self-incriminating guilts and blame,
which makes of the mind a prison, breeds a loathing of - and for - oneself 
making of life cruelly unbearable.

               The not-knowing is excruciatingly agonizing unbearable.
If I could but grasp where I was in this torturous pained maze of thoughts,
  Faith would light my way out,……………But I have no faith 
and so I crawl along on what little hope I have, moving as the disturbed ghoul of contorted reality.

Nested within the question of what is real, 
is a question of being!
For if what is, is not real,
then I am but the shadow of a ghost – nothing but a joking jester,
 a specter mocking my own being!

Tattered and torn is my consciousness,
 my emotions mere shadows of feelings
Piercing are the beasts’ intelligence, 
and savagely the beastial logic tears at my being,
Now become a mangled mass of mutilated meanings and fractured feelings.

I turn and make a stand,
I will devour myself with my own doubts, questions, and forebodings.
I will rip and tear at myself with questions and doubts

the question is asked, there can never be an answer,
Either the dreams of men have meaning and purpose
 Or the dreams are nonsense, the drivel of madmen,
Leaving man destitute of destiny or fate,
And life an empty joke and a cruel abstraction.

The world is a surreal and dreamlike theater, 
a play, in which absurd marionettes 
pontificate vainly and obscenely gesture, derisive of meaning and truth. 

I am a prisoner in this play’s plot of pretense and sham. 
But in this scene, 
I will posture,
 and I will articulate words 
as If they held some secret and hidden meanings,
I will say my appointed lines at my appointed time,
whether they be the jabbering of a jester
 or the inverted gibberish of a Jabberwocky
 speaking for the amusement of a cold scientific court,
or, perhaps of words in spirit unknown.

Driven, as if by unseen and overpowering forces,
 forces against which I cannot contend.
 playing my part.
Speaking seemingly incoherent lines
Though, perhaps, not convincing –
Not even myself.

Upon this nightmarish stage, this seeming black hole for consciousness, 
I will utter my assigned lines,
Yet I know not whether it is the portent of a fool,
An idiot’s soliloquy,
An actor on a stage unseen.
Speaking words without fully understanding - or believing them

Or whether this may reveal a glinting, glancing glimpse of a truth.
a thought-instant of cosmic consciousness

For, in this theatrical play of portent, and innuendo
Long forgotten  
Visions and Dreams yet held fast in ancient memories of humanity 
of futures that seem eternal forces of destiny,
aspects of reality, rarely seen, and much to be wondered about.

New Paragraph


Broken Bonds of Addiction

This is the hardest post yet.. I’ve struggled with Addiction since I was 16 years old.. Crystal meth has been my go to for everything.. If I was sad, mad, lonely, bored, happy, or excited.. It didn’t matter.. I just loved to smoke..

11 years ago was the peak of my addiction.. i did it all.. I seen it all.. Living in the fast lane is what made me feel alive.. The adrenaline rush of doing bad things and getting away with it.. I knew people who killed people, robbed people at gun point, criminals, boosters, drug dealers and other people who just didn’t give a fuck.. My kids father was well known, and nobody dared to fuck with me even if him and I weren’t together.. I appreciated he always had my back and looked out for me.. I was homeless sleeping in my car.. By ignorant choice to run from my fears of being lonely, for excitement and because I liked to always be on the go..

In 2012 I picked up my charges.. I was so codependent; I couldn’t live in sobriety.. I asked to do my time instead of probation.. I continued to struggle with addiction since.. (No matter what treatment a person goes to, and I’ve been to many), can help an addict unless that person chooses to...

This time around, I didn’t have any particular reason to do drugs.. Every person has a Soul Contract and Chooses 3 lessons to overcome before arriving to Earth.. We all have Karma to balance out in previous lifetimes..

Addicts can be very discreet and functional.. Not all addicts do crime, look chronic or even act chronic.. Not all addicts break the rules and fit the stereotype.. You can never judge a book by its cover or story..

Tonight; the chains of my addictions has been broken.. There is power in the Alchemy Of Love.. I loved myself through it.. I didn’t judge myself.. I stayed true to myself and I am overcoming my fears by allowing myself to be vulnerable, transparent in sharing my heart..

Anyone can fool the World; Anyone can be deceiving.. But you can never fool yourself.. This time drugs didn’t create a problem in my life.. Drugs was never the “problem” in my life..


Lack of Skills to overcome life’s struggles

Lack of self worth




Self avoidance

Self hatred




The emptiness

Addiction was the result of these underlying reasons of why I smoked drugs.. This time, I didn’t struggle with any of these..

The lessons I learned while observing myself through this were..

I had to surrender.. I allowed myself the permission to find acceptance in doing it.. When I say surrender; I am not saying it’s okay and act like it’s not a big deal.. I am saying, I’m not going to deny it; make excuses; or become defensive about it..

I couldn’t “fight against” it.. I had to align with it. what you resist will persist.. I allowed myself to smoke without judging myself..

I made a commitment to myself that I will live with integrity; stay true to myself; be honest; and love myself.. I liked to smoke, therefore; I didn’t deny it from myself..

I had Faith.. I had Faith in Myself.. that when it was time to choose, I would choose Love.. I was gentle on myself.. I didn’t give my addiction power.. I allowed it to “just be.”

I know I am always Divinely Guided and Protected.. Careers, Mistakes, Actions, Labels, Titles, etc; does not define a person.. The moment you judge, deny, label, fear, or resist anything.. You already give it power to exist in your reality as a “good” or “bad” thing, “right” or “wrong” action, or “successful” or “loser.” That is all the reaction it takes to create an obstacle in your reality..

Enlightenment comes when you can be the observer of your experience and not react to it.. We all think creation begins with having to do; without understanding the truth.. Creation is an act of being.. Just being still in observation and allowing, releasing, letting go without judgements, attachments, or an emotional charge to the things you DO NOT WANT.. Where your attention goes, is where your energy flows.. And what you focus on.. Gives it the emotional charge to exist in your reality..

You are the creator of your reality..

🙏 This Is My Rebirth..

Welcome To My Sunny Days.

Julz 😊😊

Another poem by Julz

It's never easy saying good bye

To the person you used to be..

But just as the sun sets in it's death..

A new day always begins with a beautiful sun rise💥

Endings doesn't always mean goodbye..

It is the ending of an old cycle..

To make room for blessing of Divine..

Julz Hasegawa

Julz Hasegawa


A new cycle is upon us as new energies flood in bringing up the old memories of the past.. The truth is we are evolving.. Everyone is on their own level of growth and have their own path to follow..

Collective conscious is splitting and that is the beauty of connecting to source connection..Sovereignty is being able to be your own person and express your own unique creation.. The thing about freewill is choosing to separate from the old by shedding the layers of the person you used to be to discover your greatest potential..

There is no waking up anyone anymore simply because not everyone is going to make it.. Not everyone wants to.. It takes personal commitment to outgrow and heal.. It takes a lot of effort to actually do the work and change.. It's is super tough when I think back on just these two years alone.. My heart is relieved to close out this ascension cycle.. Sitting in darkness is comfortable knowing a new journey is about to unfold.. I am super excited to know it has to be better than these past 10 years only because I am wiser, stronger and have a heart filled with love..

I knew there had to be a greater purpose for my life and I knew the person I was meant to be was greater than who I was before.. Who knows what is ahead. I just keep walking by faith listening to the messages of my soul and creating each moment to be magical no matter how hard times get.. That's the beauty of being the observer of the moment which is not being attached to your emotions but being able to create magical moments in your thoughts in between the spaces of your emotions..

That's what creating reality is really about..

When we are attached needing outside sources to create our reality we become enslaved by logical trapped in false timelines.. We become enslaved to a fear trying to figure out a hell where we feel powerless. We become miserable living in a hell following the rules that was designed for us to lose.. There is no happiness when we lose our soul for the desires of the ego..

I don't choose that for myself today..

I choose happiness, peace, love and joy..

I choose to create the best life for love bugs because that is what he deserves.. I truly hope you all choose the same.. It isn't easy.. So much people choose to chase illusions and sometimes that is what needs to happen to learn the polar opposite..

One can't exist without the other because law of relativity exists.. Unique provides depth or contrast to creativity.. It doesn't matter what anyone thinks or says because no one sees or experiences the same thing as you do... No one can decide for you..

We are all worthy and divine.. You have to reach into your inner darkness and find the light.. You have to battle those demons because they were meant to be programmed on auto pilot.. Christ is consciousness. It's impenetrable because it aligns to the spirit of Christ..

Lean not on your own understanding and your path will become straight.. The only difference between love and evil is motivation.. Those who depend on selfish service will continue to be enslaved by misery.. Choose wisely...

Commentary and footnote - some brief thoughts about "magical moments"

In Julz's poem what caught my eye was for one her line "create magical moments in your thoughts in between the spaces of your emotions...That's what creating reality is really about..

A mainstay of my writing about spiritual processes is William James' conclusion form his 1902 mini-study in The Variety of Religious Experience which was that Spiritual experiences create a "sense of reality." So her free form flow of thought inserts a "magical moment" in the emotions - which all psychologists now recognize as a primary driver for spiritual and religious beliefs. So the question that Julz's writing triggered is "Isn't there something besides just emotions which makes makes spiritual experiences "spiritual"? I think that is an excellent question.

Bettino Morello, when we were discussing autism, related her first hand experience with a rather miraculous "coming out of their shell experience" by a very withdrawn autistic individual. She stated, "For instance, in 2019 for about a year I was working with a community of autistic children and young adults in a coffee shop. I watched a young man who did not speak to me at first, who is autistic, come out of his shell by using his creativeness to paint and build models of cars, to even getting jobs to paint portraits of animals for a veterinarian." In this case, clearly there was  "magic moment!" - something beyond simply everyday ordinary emotions.

Also, I found Julz's comments about fear and the "desires of the ego" - which is unusual. I thought her comment about "Christ as Consciousness." Perhaps Christ as "consciousness" makes more sense than "Christ on a pedestal" in my view.  As Rumi, said, "A Man Of God is above religion." In todays' world there are a lot of Christians who put Christ on a pedestal - then turn around and support Trump who is a racist, by anybody's standards. If Christ is within your consciousness, then that would be the right way to live as it were, in my view.   

"When we are attached needing outside sources to create our reality we become enslaved by logical trapped in false timelines.. We become enslaved to a fear trying to figure out a hell where we feel powerless. We become miserable living in a hell following the rules that was designed for us to lose.. There is no happiness when we lose our soul for the desires of the ego."

Spirituality without doubt taps into the very creative and imaginative unconscious spiritual processes that are seething and teeming with every type and variety of supercharged symbols that cross dimensional boundaries and explores the dimensions that go beyond the conscious bounds of consciousness.


William James and Carl Jung both had their own spiritual-psychic experiences and both were very productive. William James had a 47 page long bibliography listing all his essays and books. Carl Jung also wrote volumes and volumes of essays about the psychology of spirituality.

Poem by Julz

Self mastery isn’t about picking sides..

It’s an individual journey..

No one matter what side you are on..

I’m always in the middle path..

Both sides can benefit..

It’s universal wisdom..

I just come to speak my truth..

Defend justice..

Love everyone

And protect the children..

The Earth is mines..

In the natural kingdom..

Life is death..

Predators are polar opposites of protector..

Some hunt sheep..

Some Sheppard them..

Some teach them to get back up..

My intentions are always pure..

I serve God..

I don’t hunt..

I protect and defend justice..

I just came to balance out the scales

Ernst Max, the famous surrealist painter spoke brilliantly about the creativity process: "But the marvelous faculty of reaching two distant realities, without leaving the field of our experience, and, at their coming together, of drawing out a spark; of putting within reach of our senses some abstract figures carrying the same intensity, the same relief as the others; and in depriving ourselves of a system of references, of displacing ourselves in our own memory--that is what, provisionally holds us" ( Preface to the Max Ernst Exhibition, May 1920).

Ernst's poetic description of his frottage painting, 'The Hundred Thousand Doves'  is a poetic tribute to creativity: "In a country the colour of a pigeon's breast I acclaimed the flight of 1,000,000 doves. I saw them invade the forests, black with desire, and the walls and seas without end. I saw an ivy leaf float upon the ocean and I felt a very gentle earthquake. I saw a pale, white dove, flower of the desert. She refused to understand" ( Max Ernst: Beyond Painting, 1948).

Open the curtains of your awareness.
Unlock your windows to a new world.
Step through the door of delight.
Dance under the arch of a glittering rainbow. 🌈
Jump onto the magic carpet into 5D consciousness.
You have finally arrived at the crystalline gateway.
It's unlocked, walk through.
Before you, there is a sea of flowers to paradise.
Sail beyond the horizon and step onto a new shore.
Breathe. Smile. Laugh.
You are home, and your home is LOVE. 💞
One Love 💗

Sianna Avalyn

Enjoy the moment, 
embrace yourself fully, 
Go outside,
let Gaia sooth your soul,
Feel her kiss upon your face, 
her fingers in your hair,
know she is with you,
time is an illusion ever flowing, 
love fiercely and fully right now,
It is done, 
Now we wait, 
Go within, 
Seek your source, 
The universe is waiting for you
We're all going home

Beth Roberts Langley

We can not deny we need each other to survive. 
When we are sick we need someone to take care of us. 
When we are sad it is nice to have someone to console us. 
When we are happy how wonderful it is to share our joy. 
As co creators emerge in an era of trust a love, 
and what better way to celebrate this with the union of helping each other 
through with the unique gifts we all discover 
through our becoming and connection to God. 
Peace 💚🥰

Belle Namaste

Be grateful.
Act with love.
Check your motives.
Watch your attitude.

Judy Mullen Baumann
Elizabeth Lansing's prayer formed and spoken as a lyric poem


These petals fight each other for their

gatherings, sometimes expressing their discontent as well as wilt🌷

 But my discontent is gone, dropped as sees as life between paving stones, i'm surprised! Those petals connect. 🌷


While I'm delirious and such a nut.

And when it's hot the lonely the cut.

My heart had been abandoned at the hut.

So she came along; preserved it coloured it and the pain is shut.

Inestimable she, for she is the one I spill my gut.

She🌷 is the breeze.

I could possibly breathe.

Her sweetest air's idiosyncrasies.

She🌷 is the moon that lightens my dark.

As love as hope as big as earth, it fills my sack.

She's 🌷the bubble bath with sweet smelling sops in my poetry.

It's history.

It's she🌷 who is my tulip my Felicity🌷

Marwa Gally

I wrote this poem for my Tulip🌷 who is grown in my deserted garden!

A Prayer-Poem

In the last 18 months my heart has known more grief, more sadness, more loss than I ever thought I’d know. There has honestly been days I didn’t know if I’d have the strength to survive, not because the strength wasn’t there if I chose to take it, but because I didn’t know IF I wanted to choose it. I would be lying if I said Brentley didn’t take a part of me, a very big part of my heart with him when he crossed over. And so much of the rest of me so desperately wanted all of me to be there with him as he took his next steps in his eternal journey. 
I had already begun my spiritual journey and I was fully aware I had the choice to choose life or death, grief or gratitude, fear or faith, loss or letting go, but I didn’t know in my heart, in my soul what I wanted to choose. 
So I prayed and I set my intentions for God to show me the Wisdom of Love, I prayed and I held God accountable for the promise of trading our sorrows for joy, and even though I had no idea, and could never image how it would be done, I held onto that promise that is was the only thing in the world I had to hold onto... And slowly, one moment at a time, one day at time, one step forward into the unknown promises of glory and restoration I stepped into a new world of hope, a new way of living, and over time I realized not only did I agree to this life, but life also chose me.... 
In the last 18 months I have healed more, grown more, transformed more than I ever thought I was capable of. I have witnessed more miracles, more of life’s beauty, and appreciate every breath as the sacred Breath of Life it IS! 
People I thought would never leave are gone now, relationships I thought would never change have changed or ended. Chains I thought would never be broken, lay shattered at my feet and mountains I couldn’t climb before are nothing more than stepping stones on a higher path now.. 
People come and go, places and things change, and I continue to pray and meditate on releasing ALL that doesn’t serve the Truth and Light of Love, of Life, of Oneness... 
Once again I step out into the world, but not as I did before. Not bound to the past, not bound to suffering, not bound by fear. I step out boldly, unashamed and unafraid in ALL my integrated wholeness, in all my light, with all my love.. 
I am renewed
I am restored
I am a soulful expression of love
I am faith moving mountains 
I am the voice of love that speaks the same language in every heart
I don’t care how long you’ve known me, or what you think or believe you know about me, if you haven’t been in my life in the last 18 months, you know nothing about me. I am not the same person I was. I have the same heart, the same spirit, but now I choose to BE my heart rather than bind it! Now I choose to see through my spiritual eye rather than the veiled eyes I once had. 
I am free
I am Love
I am Light
I am Me! 
I am transforming 
I am aligning with my soul tribe
I am United 
I am One with ALL and ALL is me... 
One Love! We rise as One

Elizabeth Lansing

Photo by fynn on Unsplash
Mirror mirror on the wall who's the most aware of all?
Is it thine heart that feels so deep? 
Or is it thy mind that thinks in thy sleep? 
Perhaps it is neither or more. 
Perhaps thine is nothing but everything and all

Belle Namaste
Thinking in a Different Form 
The world/universe is the secondary result of the Same movement repeating (Quantum).
The movement is eternally re-occurring.
Each repeat resets the clock of time.
The movement is endowed with unlimited power for the instant of its existence.
‘Movement’ infers the resistance that precedes it.
There is but one movement and it follows that this culpable resistance is without movement (because it precedes/is the reason for).
Thus, the silent resistance is within all that moves (life).
It’s influence is incalculable (omnipresent).
This omnipresence is the least resistance possible. It is our higher power guiding us to close the endless cycle that has us going ‘round n’ ‘round like mice on a wheel.
“Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
In order for this higher form to exist it must have an equal but opposite; a negative for its positive.
The silent duality is everywhere at once and the battle rages on levels of discontent that have no awareness in time. It is within us, hidden below the surface of who we think we are ready for a call to action.
“Fools,” said I, “you do not know
Silence like a cancer grows”
We are weak or strong according to our thinking and as we learn the correct information the negative extreme has less claim on our actions.

Written by Tom Kitt

“The shaking will begin”
Suit up your armor
You children of light
“To Speak UP
 Join the FIGHT”
For what is right!
Soldier of “THE TRINITY”
(I know this how?)
Gave me “ forgiveness”
When I deserved NONE!
“ showed me GRACE “
Even after everything
The wrongs I had done
I will shout from the roof!
“ you deceivers of men “
“ The fall will be hard “
“ God‘s wrath… 
You’ll contend”
With your game of
Your “reign of terror”
Is coming 
(Suit up children)
(It’s only a matter
“ The shaking will begin “

Rose Page
April 30, 2019New Paragraph

Reflections: At times, (not always) it appears to me that spiritual-religious people sometimes read their environment in emotional-spiritual expressions and also emotionally structure their orientation and outlook. What i thought especially interesting is her reference to "shaking" in the midst of the corona virus onslaught. Her 'read' would seem to be that our society and culture will undergo a "shaking" - and in thinking about it, I think that is probably correct. The ramifications of the corona virus will not only have very severe economic consequences, but will change in my estimate the basic ways in which many people view and react to the world - especially the younger generation.   

                                                                                                   In the Vortex
                                             In the Vortex  of  Of-ness
 What is Being, but, of Of-ness
For when Being is, it must always be "Of" something -         
                                Yet to be of something is to belong to something,
and belonging is kindred to possession 
in the Matrix of the Myriad Choosings
                  being is shrouded in the veiled darkness 
steeped in un-ending, un-knowns,
                 are the silent whispers of shadow-ed life
                                    of the striving-yet-to-be  
                and from even darker doubts,
                                                         seeming replaces being 
                      - as if - delusions now mock the eternal truths,
                                           in this darkened world, 
grasps desperately
                        for the real,.............. for the life, 
                                                                     and yet. even more,
                                                                                         reaching, for Spirit and Truth

 For thoughts mirror birth-
                              and consciousness is of creation's ofness
And so, these strivings-yet-to-be
                  reach forward into a fractured future
                             - ever creating meanings
          making paths for the unbounded and unshackled
Though born of beginnings, this striving-yet-to-be is, in truth, an end –
                               The horns of an endless finality 

In beginning, it is a Royally heralded fanfare //
                 always beckoning, urging ever
   to a beginning, to an end
                  motion ever toward a connecting
The connectivity of a consciousness's web are intricately woven 
                     into a thought structure of myriad aspects and diamond-faced facets

                 Guided, blindly, by an inner light
grasping for necessity and life

Always Driven, 
              and striven of the ten thousand entangled realities,
                                 all of which are
          inter-reflection-ed and self-mirrored-refracted truths

Yet ever moving,
         And never resting
                 creating, birthing

Where the crimson sunset sparkles,
You will find words of revelation
What human nature is stored.
Do not be afraid of clumsy confessions
Let them be muddled with their syllable,

And you will find the precious secret
Clearing the turns of the new trails.
Listen, friend, leaving doubts,
Open your soul to warmth ...
You will hear your Providence,
To re-enter the game.
Dive into this river without thinking
Flew over hundreds of centuries.

And do not be afraid of worldly madness -
You have long been ready to hear.
And you will understand, smile without embarrassment,
Returning to the fate of the soul.
And keep, like a diamond, Revelation,
So that others could hear.

Poem by Olga Baer from Ukraine
Olga says, "I am a dreamer and storyteller. I think that we can work wonders!"

Needed and not needed symmetry

Shadows disguise the controlling hand that invisibly manipulates the visible

slight of hand conspiracy

An illusion that Roams in the dark won the rite of the night

Managed clockwork mind control

Inaugurated at infancy to the TV

Brainwashing entertainment

Drip fed intravenously injected bootlegged propaganda mastery

Slowly fooling and misleading

Smoke and mirrors agenda society

Relaxed methodical as Rights are pulled from under our feet the rug gone

So good the rug was never there in first place

Speaking your mind will one day be a crime (already is)

Treason, enemy of state

A free thinker

The crazy man the craziest or has

No sense of reality

Don’t be fooled by not knowing

Spot the hypocrisy see there design

keep your cards tight

Is a paid for dream still a dream

free paradise that’s paid for

We are free, aren’t we ? Are we not free

You tell me

So it’s a free nation that comes with a price

Pay as you go freedom

Debt Built for and kept afloat privilege taxed and taken straight from your hands,

Pick pocketed paradise called a free democracy

Free is a fallacy

We voted for this subterfuge

Am I missing something?

Out of sync and in the dark

Freedom that has to be paid for

What is free in that

in this world everything that’s man made what does not have a price ?

I can not think

Human kind biggest danger is the human with power and control and money and to achieve the dream join the pseudo political elite, voted for criminals that peddle freedom at a cost

Intent on squeezing every last drop from us who are slaves to our own nation

Open your eyes but

 I think it’s to late

A free thinker

Crazy man is the craziest.......

Democracy a merciless manipulator organised and

Ruthless Wet nurse to society

In the arms of mother whos resolution is servitude savage in demands and takes more than it gives embezzles life as we know it, the only reason born is to serve and dictates all rules for the word freedom as nothing is free, oxygen will one day be a commodity

A debt free false and paid for dream,

Pilfering our lives ultimate trickster as there blatant

prison for refusing to pay for the right to liberty

Currency driven economy ransom paid for the right to thrive

Blue chip communism

Megalomaniac corporations watching every move we make day and night

Computers and self styled demigods don’t sleep eyes open seeing all

Devils hand

The biggest fraud to life fake time fake paradise a fantasy sold right under our eyes

I’m no communist

But at least you know where you stand,

And know the reality that your not free, work and pay for the privilege of being alive and living in your country

Sounds a lot like democracy to me

Or am I crazy

Albion lost the battle

Albion a lost memory

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          a quest, a journey

                              A narrow precipitous path;
A thin ribbon restricted fine lines 
                                 with constricted space squeezing and limiting potential. 
In the dancing journey of meaning and purpose!
                                A purpose from which
 A single misstep or slightest slip of concentration
must bring, a falling - and then disgrace;
ending all, in ignominious failure

Yet, it must be tried
So, I ask,
 Where is a way?
Bring forth that inner light of understanding and truth
That it may shine on us all
And Show the way!

The inner light,
Ancient, and long hidden amidst the eons, 
must shine forth!

An end, a goal to reach,
Yes, though the ever elusive words
escape the chains and fetters of thoughts
and, so, remain unspoken;
In a vision it appears ever so clear 
 That I must bring the light to me!
Light renewing in re-birth!

Perhaps an illusion, though it appears in my mind,
It must be that my Lady of the Lakes,
 who holds, dearly, the sword-of-light,
She blesses me:
That mesmerizing mystical mystery-laden lady -
she has the sword of Camelots 
Camelots, long lost in the shrouds 
of half-remembered, half-dreamt legend and truths,
Though also being of the myriad unknown futures and utopias yet to be/

For utopias are but, bits of light-sparks,
 Beginnings brought to brilliance by being!
Dreamt in a dream long cherished,
Yet to be done, that which, was, and, is, undone! 

yet, yearning-to-be
Is for the asking!
Quest is rooted in Question
Truth, rightly asked questions,
Is that Seeking brings answers
     and necessarily
lights the inner illumination of understanding!

And so, 
the questing journey marches onward,
ever perilous 
amongst the prophetic portents of meanings and purpose
the rocky dangers of destiny's sensuous siren songs!

Photo by Daphne on Unsplash
                                                     Rebirth Again: Phoenix - not to be denied

From a
           Mis-shapen  palm-sized heap of sand-like dusted gray ashes,
Though, from all appearances, dead -
                   There rises misty twirls of radiant steaming-smoke

Gradually from warm
                                         to red hot
             Glowing-grows within the ashes,

And from seemed nothingness,
                          First smoke,
 Then small licking flames sprout from
                                                                          The dead ashes

It is human rebirth,
                                          Human creativity-creation and life’s birth-rebirth
                Irresistible and unrelenting

Rebirth quickly grows and now
                    In this life form that is within
           Flames leap forward,
Burning energy,
In the act of conception
             Thoughts, arise
                                      Forming, informing actions
A design within which there is life,
                            - for without design and designing, there could be no life -
And, it is that design is the first breath of life,
                - perhaps it also is the last breath of life

          From the dead ashes,
   a new design appears
                     the flames of being rising brightly
 the phoenix reborn into
                                             A new being
And so,….. a new life

              Burning brightly
                                          Rising again,
 Intensely burning red into blue tipped

It is wonderous life
 Rising-awesome of itself 
            A miracle, 
…  NOT to be denied.
                                                               Born-Again, the Phoenix Rises 
                      - Rebirthing ever again 

Why is there so much pain in this world
Why do we hurt other people
I’ll never give up my fight of following my SOUL path
Of healing the broken
Of being the ear when someone’s needs
I will never stop being me 🔥🔥🔥

William Alon
July 5 at 6:37 AM 
                                                        (From my 1970 High School Graduation Yearbook) 

                     The Wall Poem
                                                                           Seeing nothing, 
                                                                 he searched for Godot, 
                                                                     found Steppenwolf, 
                                                                         and touched feet with the wall 

                                                                        Some Reflections on the Wall

Jungian psychology holds that in the Unconscious and Collective Unconscious there are archetypes which are according to Jung "predispositions" in the unconscious of a person's mind. Archetypes would likely act similarly to having “scripts” or pre-programmed plans within consciousness. In looking back at the Seeing Nothing poem, the poem would appear a bit prophetic of some future events and situations that were to happen to me later in my life - so perhaps there were some predispositions and archetypal scripts at work in my mind which made things turn out the way they did. Also, the line about “Steppenwolf,” which reflects a Steppenwolf-split personality between a higher ‘divine’ personality and a lower ‘animal’ persona, would seem to express a conflict that happened within me, but also in society in general. In the wider ‘society’ there has been a definite decline in religious affiliation but also a decline in belief and even acceptance of spirituality. 

                                                                              Waiting for Godot
In the Waiting for Godot play, the author, Samuel Beckett, has the two main characters, Vladimir and Estragon, waiting around - seemingly aimlessly - for the arrival of a person named Godot. Godot never arrives! Similar to the characters of Beckett’s play, in my own life, in high school and college and later, I searched for an unknown something or somebody – waiting for that mystery-answer to life to appear. But, of course, that never happened since, in all reality, at the time, I really didn’t have the faintest idea what I was looking for. So, in my own life, my life at the time was metaphorically a mirror reflection of Beckett’s play, Waiting for Godot. From 1970 to 1981, I searched for Godot, when, in 1981 I had my precognitive “What a nightmare” spiritual-psychic experience – which started me on an entirely different journey and quest.
Also, in regard to “Waiting for Godot, I had some awareness in high school of the play, but I definitely had not heard that it had been suggested by Deirdre Blair that due to the common references to “feet” in the play that it might be an unconscious play on the slang term for boot, "godillot or godasse." In my short poem, of course, the concluding line was “and touched feet with the wall.”

                                                                                 Finding Steppenwolf

There is much in Steppenwolf that not only appears to mirror some aspects of my personal life, but also seems to profoundly reflect some very salient characteristics of our contemporary society and culture, as well. Steppenwolf, the character and person, decries the the hollow essence and well-being of his society, when Steppenwolf proclaims, "Ah, but it is hard to find this track of the divine in the midst of this life that we lead, in this besotted humdrum age of spiritual blindness, its politics, its men! .... And in fact, if the world is right, if this music of cafes, these mass enjoyments and these Americanised men who are pleased with so little are right, then I am wrong. I am crazy. I am in truth the Steppenwolf that I often call myself; that beast astray who finds neither home nor joy nor nourishment in a world that is strange and incomprehensible to him." (p. 48-49) "Spiritual blindness" rings especially true in today's world where much of orthodox or mainstream psychology views spirit and spirituality as illusion or even mental illness.   

Due to the fact that, in my upbringing, I had no awareness or education in spirituality or psychic and consciously thought them superstitious nonsense at the time, there was an intense emotional and spiritual fight going on. Essentially, then, in part due to the lack of any central purpose or meaning, for all practical purposes there were two personalities battling it out. One personality was a “rationalist” or materialist personality that regarded spirit and spirituality as superstitious nonsense. And in conflict with that materialist personality, there was a “spiritual” personality that believed in “Sprit” and a more pervasive “Spirit”, as in a universal intelligence to the universe, or God, as it were. It definitely wasn’t as if the spiritual experience had sprinkled some “fairy dust” on me. There were a lot of emotions, a lot of unknowns, and a lot of fears. It was a pretty gritty fight, in all truth.  

So, the reference to Steppenwolf, who in the novel by Herman Hesse, had a split personality between an “animal” personality and a “human” and “higher spiritual” personality was definitely a prophetic observation. One analyst noted that Hesse felt there was an obsession with the “suffering and despair” of Steppenwolf eliminating the human potential for “transcendence and healing.”  

Also, it is unclear whether the climatic murder of Hermine by Steppenwolf actually occurred or whether that was in truth just another illusion and hallucination of the “Magic Theater.” Some believe that Hesse tries to juxtapose the physical causal reality with a higher “metaphysical” Truth. In any case, in my life the struggle between what is real and what is illusion was a fairly constant struggle. The bottom line for me was that the two somewhat conflicting -philosophies-ideologies became entangled and it took me something like twenty to thirty years to sort things out. So, for me the reference to Steppenwolf represents a bizarre synchronicity and an incredibly eerily very prophetic.

                                                                    Bokononism and ‘Feet Touching the Wall’
From Cat’s Cradle, written, by Kurt Vonnegut, Bokononism is a fictitious religion whose foundation is the principle of “foma.” In essence, foma, are held to be harmless untruths. The sacred Books of Bokonon, begin with this admonition: "Don't be a fool! Close this book at once! It is nothing but foma! All of the true things that I am about to tell you are shameless lies." The most sacred Truth of the Bokonon religion is to "Live by the foma that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy." So, the Truth of the religion is that if you believe in their lives you will have peace of mind, be righteous, and live the good life. Boko-Maru, the pinnacle of Bokononist worship, is the ultimate intimate act of prolonged touch and contact between the four naked soles of the feet of two persons. Of course, many people these days see God and religion as a “delusion” and “untruth.” I can’t help but comment that without “Spirit, Truth, and Compassion” religion is really just a farce.   
Lastly, the poem, at the end, refers to “the wall” and it seems a little curious and a bit of synchronicity that I began writing and connecting with people just as Trump with his “Wall” came onto the stage. Though, “the wall” could represent the barrier I run up against frequently when I try to connect with people about spirituality and especially “transcendental” spirituality. 

                                              Soulful thought - spiritual awakening and challenges

Something so profound happened in your Inner life. 
You can no longer conform with dogmas, faith, and worships. 
You cannot conform with others. 
If you say something contrary to what they say or believe, ready to be attacked in every possible way. 
You are become an outcast before the multitude. 
You are shaken from within. You lose hope and to be gone from the whole world. 
Everything becomes so painful and sensitive. 
The point is, if one realizes spiritual ascension is not based on the dogmas
          or reading of the masters and arguing about it. 
Once you understand certain things very clearly, 
          then one must live the Inner and Outer life accordingly.

In the absence of Inner and Outer transformation, 
the gift (A rare jewel from on high) will be disappeared into oblivion. 
It is like pearls before a swine. 
We humans are the vessels to receive the gift of wisdom and understanding from on High. 
Until that happens, our dogmas, and talking of spirituality will do almost nothing. 
But once It Happens, we must receive it and cherish it
            and transform the Inner and Outer life and the world around you. 
You will see things with Inner eyes. 
Most of all you want to have Unity with collective no matter whether it is humans or animals. 
You cherish all! 
You cannot stand animals being slaughtered, Earth being destroyed, trees cut, war, violence. 
If all these are happening within oneself, one should know, one is on the path and on the ascension process.

True Spiritual Teachers including Jesus said, 
“Our Body is the dwelling place of the Spirit”. 
It can dwell only if the conditions of our physical body and life permit it. 
Who is paying attention to the Little Force is animating our physical? 
If anybody wants to read it and create an environment with our day to- day living, good for us. 
Once we recognize our physical body is the dwelling place of the Divine... 
So, does all bodies that ever created and will be created is the animating force being the Spirit...? 
Good for us to recognize this little, simple and complex factor and live in accordance with it.

Dozens of masks...
Hundreds of different words..
And in the fragments of the fragments of past fates.
It's been a long time since everything was played in love
I don't care who will judge behind the back.

Scraps of lines...
Said in full.
And I want to get lost for a while.
But Faith, as a curse, is given,
Dreams once again make vozroždatsâ.

In the fairy tale of fairy tales...
In thousands of " and suddenly?"...
Desperately looking for a miracle...
A little more to end the circle,
The all the false, appear again to people.

Verse by Olha Baer

footnote: vozroždatsâ is "soul rebirth or soul reincarnation" 

Don't need tears
I can hear your voice ....
No words needed
Your cross is finished ...
You seen?
The sky is on your side!
No more pain ...
Open your paradise
Now you are online...
Do you remember...
Wings behind ....
You feel free ...
Feel the star rain ...
You know
Where and why we are here ..
Why fell from heaven.
And why were born there ...
Listen to your heart...
Why is it crying
Not afraid of death
Forgot how to feeling
Listen to your soul...
Why she in dark?
Where is your God?
behind the scenes
On this start...
Just wait and belived, 
This is your chance!

Verse by Olha Baer


                                                                        A matrix of encrypted life-energies

                                 Incredibly, unbelievably complex
              And in the codes are the myriad meanings 
- the variegated fountain of life
                   Though seeing beyond the cyber-video- veiled- rainbow walls and barriers,
Finding direction is the overriding command,
                            And, if-then, and thus it is seeking ever more for questions
Leading to answers,
Leading to questions
An unending challenge to intelligence, to being
Evermore driving for the end,
                                                               perchance to dream, as it were

Of all the miscellaneous meanings 
                  interwoven into purpose and purposes
and though not fully understood,
one holds fast with a death grip to these slim threads of life,

for life is meaning and meaning is purpose
                        blossoming, ever-adapting and adjusting,
shifting, now yet at times in the future foreseen,
                                                                     yet always in movement
and in that journey, is life and guidance 
                    Which would be the meaning of motion and energy
A discernment and judgment.
                      And in that,
                                                                               a  tapestry of Spirit and Truth

                                                                        A Meaning Seeking Animal on the Hunt

Beyond the nether regions of absolutes and stiff-backed theories,
                     There are truths that move along paths-unknown,

Intruths, the myriad ten-thousand well-articulated thoughts 
                                 are of beautifully jeweled-ideas from seeming forgotten pasts and unknown futures.

In this “ought” world of ‘what-ifs,’ ‘only-ifs,’ and ‘should-have-beens.”, 
thoughts subsist of ornate ornaments of intentionality.

                            Intentionality, much like a theatrical drama, 
hints of portent and enthroned purposes 
                      costumed and bedecked actors and actresses
           and pompous jesters giving voice to profound speeches and insights 

All these players, thespians, and artists
               are advising and lecturing in long-winded sermons 
                                                                                          of reasons for Being,

For it is, in reality, that Being 
                                     that asks the questions 
                    of what is, what was, and what is yet to come.

Being asks of Prophecy, Spirit, Time, and Truth

It is a question of life,
                          the life-being-animal leaving its mysterious tracks of meaning and intentions

Man, the animal spirit=meaning, on the hunt,
The meaning seeking animal is intent on capturing an elusive and cunning prey.

Everybody needs a little B17 synchronicity

                           After a somewhat sleepless night of tossing and turning,
My mind,…being mind-in-itself,
Nested in words, writing, and spirit
                                           of precognitive being,

and Feeling combative 
Like a B17 Fortress has,
           Raring to go, anticipating takeoff,
taxiing down the runway,
All four engines firing rapidly, loudly, 
efficiently soundly thrumming within the mind,

                                      Propellers turning, whirring in the air
                                                            A blur of motion and energy

Turning on the liftoff-runway,
                Then, pushing the throttle to full
The engines loudly thunder-in-thunder
                      Roaring a Deafening Defiance
, silencing all the half-thought unspoken objections 
                                            wishing for speech but nestled within ideas and, 
                                                    so, soundlessly-structured, -- not touching leaden lips 
 Shuddering, the plane leaps forward,
Picking up speed, shaking, shuddering
 Pushing - Wings are drafting air
                          As if by will and wishing alone,
Lifting, lifting, lifting 
                         an irresistible force longing for height,
      For the heavens

The wheels lift from the concrete path
I am off,
I will go,
I will not be stopped,
This will be done.

Winged words fly forth
, each upon their dedicated purpose,
Of intricate understanding,
Fruit will be born,
in the end,
It is,                       , that is food.
        , of meaning,                              !!!!
                                                                                           And is not truth above meaning?
And thus, meaning and as writing, are of the species survival 
Truth must not be denied.

Note about this poem. After I sent this poem to my good friend, and advisor, Angel, she mentioned that in the film she is making of her departed partner Sam’s photography, her final addition to the film had been a video clip of Sam flying a B17 Flying Fortress.


                                                                        The unseen inner fire

                                     Forged of unleashed imagination, 
                                                                 abstractions from the furthest reaches, 
                     and fiery emotions

so much like those sudden flashes of brilliance and brightness 
                               on the sun’s volatile and radiant surface

so much like those powerful  blinding solar flares 
                         , those boiling eruptions of electromagnetic violence imbued upheavals   
                                       - launched upward from the surface in coronal-mass-loops of ejected energized mass
first lifted then pulled down by unseen electromagnetic forces.
Ever erupting – unceasingly ejecting raw desires in pyrotechnic displays 
  Oft born of necessity and purposes barely grasped or understood,
 Born of mass-earth yet induced by heaven-ed transcendental consciousness

Seeming from nothing - from dead matter - comes this force
 =- this energy which so desperately
  bends desires, wants, and needs to its end

                                        Ever shaping destiny

Among the carves of the
rich purple, I met you.
There my appetite was 
Sated of anything but only you who I crave for, I felt I was going
to smell miraculous fragrance that could settle down the advanced level of my smattered thoughts of you.
but I turned round and round
I found neither flowers nor 
bottles of perfumes, I smelt them 
Jasmine, I saw them as a ripe plant 
 entangling on my shoulder.
I just remembered when the call
called for prayers, I knew it was 
your sweat resembling a sweet suger
cold bubbles lemonade refreshing 
on poor people that hard life 
dried their crack of misery and pale.
I carefully chiseled out your name on an eternal sand with much love .
©®Marwa Gally

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