Scientific Evidence of Spiritual & Psychic Experiences!

   Scientific Experiments of Precognition, Telepathy, & Remote Viewing

It is not a well-known fact that psychology - or 'parapsychology' - has performed numerous successful and repeatable laboratory experiments that have produced distinctly measurable, which, though relatively small in "effect siZe" have above all been very consistent with a very large data base. 

 "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."

A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen. The master poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself. "It's full! No more will go in!" the professor blurted. "This is you," the master replied, "How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup."

Spukhafte Fernwirkingen - A New Dimension for Science

In a letter to Max Born on 3 March 1947 to describe the strange effects of quantum mechanics, where two particles may interact instantaneously over a distance, Albert Einstein referred to that quantum physics effect as spukhafte Fernwirkungen, which means “spooky actions at a distance” The question of Quantum entanglement is a core issue which divides classical and quantum physics. A bit oversimplified the spin of one subatomic particle is directly connected with the spin of another subatomic particle even though separated by large distances and interactions occur at speeds faster than the speed of light. A conclusion from the experiments on quantum entanglement was that was reached is that quantum entanglement is in reality a “quantum state” that cannot be reduced or factored into the product of if its constituent states of its local individual particles but remain independent as an inseparable whole. In sum, in quantum entanglement, one constituent or individual particle cannot be fully described without considering the other(s). 

Niels Bohr was a Nobel prize-winning Danish physicist, who pioneered the development of the quantum physics and theory which improved our understanding of atomic structure. Niels Bohr stated unequivocally that “If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet. Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” Wolfgang Pauli, another Nobel prize-winning quantum physicist was careful to recognize that “although [particle physics] allows for an acausal form of observation, it actually has no use for the concept of meaning” — that is, meaning is not a fundamental function of reality but an interpretation superimposed by the human observer. It is a very salient point in regard to any connection between quantum physics and consciousness that Carl Jung observed: Or in other words: there is no outside to the collective psyche. In our ordinary mind we are in the worlds of time and space and within the separate individual psyche. In the state of the archetype we are in the collective psyche, in a world-system whose space-time categories are relatively or absolutely abolished. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 398-400

Quantum Experiment Reveals “A future event causes the photon to decide its past.” - Professor Truscott  

Summary of Experiment: The bizarre nature of reality as laid out by quantum theory has survived another test, with scientists performing a famous experiment and proving that reality does not exist until it is measured. Physicists have conducted John Wheeler's delayed-choice thought experiment, which involves a moving object that is given the choice to act like a particle or a wave. The group reversed Wheeler's original experiment, and used helium atoms scattered by light.

If one chooses to believe that the atom really did take a particular path or paths then one has to accept that a future measurement is affecting the atom's past, said Truscott. "The atoms did not travel from A to B. It was only when they were measured at the end of the journey that their wave-like or particle-like behavior was brought into existence," he said.

So, what form it would take after passing through the first grate depended on whether the second grate was put in place afterward. Therefore, whether it continued as a particle or changed into a wave wasn't decided until a future event had already taken place. Time went backwards. Cause and effect appear to be reversed. The future caused the past. The arrow of time seemed to work in reverse. 

Professor Truscott concluded that the experiment showed that; “A future event causes the photon to decide its past.” (Experiment confirms quantum theory weirdness Science Daily, May 27, 2015 Australian National University)


           Daryl Bem’s Successful-Repeated Precognition Experiments!

The parapsychologist, Daryl Bem, through successfully repeated experiments demonstrated that precognition experiments do, in fact, produce consistently successful results. It began with Daryl Bem's 2011 article about his original experiments which produced very significant results. That article got a lot of other researchers interested. Also, Daryl Bem had the foresight to develop "kits" to give to other researchers so they didn't have to reinvent the wheel. Quite a number of researchers became involved.  

In 2016, an article about a meta-analysis of these experiments states that "When Bem’s own experiments are included, the complete database comprises 90 experiments from 33 different laboratories located in 14 different countries. A total of 12,406 individuals participated in these experiments." The article goes on to say that the results showed that the experimental design focused on sex was by far outperformed the other designs. (A Summary of “Feeling the Future: A Meta-analysis of 90 Experiments on the Anomalous Anticipation of Random Future Events by Bem, Tressoldi, Rabeyron & Duggan). 

The results measured in "effect sizes" ( a rule of thumb gauge of the performance of an experiment), were, not huge.  “The overall effect size (Hedges g) is 0.09, combined z = 6.33, p = 1.2 x 10 to the -10.” (p. 7 meta)  And the meta-analysis of Bem’s replications convincingly demonstrated that, indeed, the results, though relatively small, were very consistent. Furthermore, with some very advanced statistical analysis tools such as the newly developed “p-curve” analysis tool, which did produce an effect size of .2 - which does "register on the Cohen scale.  

Of course, science - at least theoretically - doesn’t care whether results are astounding and magnificent or just ordinarily measurable - so long as the results are consistent and measurable. The famous "aspirin" experiment testing how people with cardiac problems reacted to "aspirin" treatment to ease the strain of the heart. The experiment was halted after the effect size of .08 was produced - which is far below the Cohen Scale's "small" .2 correlation! Personally, I was surprised to discover any successful research at all. From my roughly thirty eight years of personal spiritual-psychic experiences I would state categorically that "it" is much more an art and without doubt Not a science and I never get news reports, as it were. "it" is very elusive and trying to express a precognitive perceptions is very much like trying to catch a snark, in my mind. 

Lastly, I would emphasize that in that all my personal experiences are "perceptions of threats to the group" comparable to the alarm calls of animals, early on I concluded that instinctual processes were involved. Bem had similar beliefs. In an article about the emergence of Daryl Bem's research into precognition, the article states, "Bem had a reason for selecting porn: He figured that if people did have ESP, then it would have to be an adaptive trait—a sixth sense that developed over millions of years of evolution. If our sixth sense really had such ancient origins, he guessed it would likely be attuned to our most ancient needs and drives. In keeping with this theory, he set up the experiment so that a subset of the hidden images would be arousing to the students." ( - SlateDaniel Engber ) Both Daryl Bem and Dean Radin argue vigorously that instinctual processes frequently play a pivotal role in spiritual-psychic experiences.  

                 Perspective: Unknowns, Uncertainties, and Snarks!

The "snark" is the creation of the author Lewis Carrol in his nonsense poem "Hunting the Snark." The snark, which has never been sighted by anyone, is an imaginary creature which is according to the author is "unimaginable," beyond description, and, of course impossible to catch. The snark can only be found on a remote and isolated inhospitable island of intermittent chasms, crags, and steep ravines - an island which is also inhabited by the strange and bizarre animals known as the jubjub and bandersnatch. 

To capture the snark, according to Carrol's story-line folklore, requires most unusual and bizarre techniques and tools. The one thing that is an absolute prerequisite is "courage" - or in my case, perhaps recklessness, mixed with a touch of "enlightened" madness (if there is such a thing)! The tools of the trade for trapping snarks are care, hope, thimbles, and forks. When desperate the snark hunter could possibly "threaten its life with a railway share" (perhaps snarks are Trump Republicans?)  or "charm it with smiles and soap!" It is ironic, the art of 'psychic perception' , in that it deals with the most intangible ideas or 'things' which of all the arts the most difficult to perceive would seem to indicate one would expect a very high rate of failure in the art of psychic, but generally people expect the opposite. 

Daryl Bem commented about some of the uncertainties in psychic research: Bem would later argue that you cannot do this kind of work with online samples. He also says the word-recall test may not work as well for ESP as the erotic-picture task or any of the others in his paper. He’s come to think that it relies too much on what Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman calls the mind’s “slow mode” of thinking. Slow thinking might be less conducive to producing psi-phenomena, Bem argues." Bem's research has few serious problems compared to remote viewing. Methodology became a major issue in much of remote viewing research but from reading the critique, it was apparent to me Stephan Schwartz's article about remote viewing showed the methodological errors had been addressed later that the critique brought up. Research into spiritual-psychic experiences will always be controversial, and if I wait for science to "prove" that spiritual-psychic experiences are real the human species will most likely have become extinct by then. 

                    On Being Human, Purpose, and Prophecy!

A prevalent "preconception" perhaps due to some prehistoric-spiritual-religious origins and factory installed software as one neuroscientist put it, many expect or believe "psychics" are "perfect." Not one psychic or prophet is "Perfect." As Tim Callahan the theologian pointed out, even the prophet Ezekiel was off in his prophecy-prediction that Tyre would fall to the Babylonians and be utterly destroyed. Tyre actually in real history made a deal with the Babylonians and the Babylonians did not capture and destroy Tyre. I should mention briefly that a few moments reflection would indicate that 'God does not put prophets on earth solely and entirely to "make predictions." 

Take the prophet Jeremiah, for instance. Jeremiah did anything and everything in trying to warn the Jewish leaders that rebelling against the "foe form the north" - Babylon - would end in disaster. He was publicly punished and humiliated. Jeremiah was put on trial for treason. Jeremiah publicly declared Judah and the Jewish leaders as corrupt by breaking a pottery vessel at Jerusalem's gate of shards, and at the end with destruction of Jerusalem and Judah at hand, he was thrown into a deep dungeon and left to die. If a Jew or Christian were to tell Jeremiah, the "Weeping prophet" that his sole and entire purpose was to predict-prophecy the destruction of Jerusalem and Judah,  my guess would be that Jeremiah might try to rip their heads off. 

But that question is something Christian theologians failed to come to grips with. Most Christian leaders tend to view prophecy entirely in terms of being solely prophecies of the coming Messiah which, of course, Christian leaders say came true. That gives Christians the impression that prophecies equate to predictions in order to make them come true through the Word of God, as it were. Almost all Christians I talk to seem to have that impression. People with that preconception can not possibly understand psychic - which is why I bring that up. For the record, i did pass that question by an Anglican priest who agreed prophets are not "perfect."  Here is a link to a short essay about prophecy:
          Julia Mossbridge's Meta-Analysis of Presentiment Experiments

What I find especially interesting, is that some evidence for presentiment has been discovered in some experiments with animals such as hamsters. From my understanding it seems "presentiment" was discovered by accident. Psychologists who were testing peoples’ physiological responses to graphic and frightening pictures noticed that there appeared to be a small but consistent physiological response BEFORE the actual display of the pictures as well. The Presentiment mirrored the ‘post’-sentiment .Some researchers began testing for this anticipatory response, and referred to that response as a “presentiment.”  

The psychologist, Julia Mossbridge and her colleagues, did a meta-analysis of the presentiment experiments that had been performed in different laboratories around the world. All the experiments she reviewed were ‘randomized’ which means they showed neutral and emotional stimuli in random patterns. She applied very stringent standards and her meta-analysis was a tightly focused analysis. She selected only for directional responses instead of bidirectional responses. In other words the analysis focused on experiments in which the anticipatory response was in the same direction as the post stimulus physiological response.

Mossbridge located 49 ‘successful’ experiments - but with her strict standards she was forced to eliminate 23 experiments, which left her with 26 experiments. The results of the meta-analysis produced an effect size of .21 (both fixed and random effects), which is rated “small” on the Cohen scale. Mossbridge and colleagues conclude: “The remarkably significant and homogenous results of this meta-analysis suggest that the unexplained anticipatory effect is relatively consistent, if small in size.” (p. 12 predictive). Mossbridge did mention, in passing that a similar anticipatory response had been detected by some researchers in animal behavior and labeled by them “pre-play.”  

      Remote Viewing Experiments: Russell Targ and Stephan Schwartz

It is ironic that the CIA has actually produced the most striking evidence of psychic capability, though it seems the Russians may have been doing psi research and remote viewing experiments before the United States. The CIA did experiments in “remote viewing” through Stanford Research Institute led by Russell Targ and Hal Puthoff. 

A ‘remote viewer’ would sit in an electronically sealed room while a confederate would travel to a target site chosen at random by a computer. A picture is worth a thousand words. The remote viewers’ drawings together with the target pictures in Russell Targ’s book, Miracles of mind, are really beyond words. Only the pictures can tell the story. There is a picture of wind turbines drawn by the remote viewer which is a remarkable match of the picture of the target which shows wind turbines on a hill. The most incredible remote viewers drawing is the drawing of a complex of buildings located at an intersection of roads. The tall building located directly at the corner of the two roads is drawn precisely at the right location. The other buildings are drawn in the correct perspective in size relative to the tall building. 

Perhaps the most remarkable drawing by a remote viewer is the drawing of a swimming pool complex by a remote viewer working for Russell Targ. For some reason, the remote viewer drew a water tower in his picture of the swimming pool complex. At first Targ thought the remote viewer had made a mistake, However, by chance, Targ found out by chance or fate by 'randomly' p8cking up an archaeological magazine which 'happened to show a photo of a water tower that existed decades before - precisely where the remote viewer drew it. A synchronicity within a synchronicity. 

I should highlight the fact that, as the pioneer of Quantum Physics, Neil Bohr, as well as the other modern physicists confronted by the utterly unsolvable and irresolvable paradox of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Entanglement now widely recognize, the truth of Quantum Physics presents an irresolvable prople and dilemma being outside the classical science of physics, That is neither rational analysis or logic can solve or grasp an acausal reality far beyond our knowledge and understanding! 

As Neil Bohr unequivocally stated, Quantum mechanics has changed everything and concludes that "Truth" and our former understanding of reality completely are no longer relevant and that 'Reality, no longer, is Real!' Bohr states unequivocally that "Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real!"

In an acausal reality "up and down" don't make a lot of sense and are relatively simplistic in talking about spirit, heaven, and God. 

Stephan Schwartz also did some remarkable ‘psychic’ archaeology in Egypt, both underwater and on land.  
        Edgar Cayce: Documented Healer, Psychic, & Spiritual Leader

“Mind is indeed the Builder . . . what is held in the act of mental vision becomes a reality in the material experience. We are gradually builded to that image created within our own mental being.”

Edgar Cayce was a documented healer, psychic, and spiritual leader who was active roughly from 1925 to 1945. My first visit to the ARE center and foundation which is based on the work of Edgar Cayce rather striking. On walking up to the second floor, in the stairwell I saw three sets of before-and-after pictures of people afflicted with psoriasis. The before and after pictures all showed a marked improvement of each person’s psoriasis and condition. My first wife, Marci, who I was married to at the time, had a bad case of psoriasis. Marci went to several different ‘modern day’ doctors with different treatments of psoriasis without effect. So, I knew first-hand the capabilities of modern medicine as regards psoriasis are rather limited and ineffective. 

Needless to say, the before and after pictures of people who had been cured of psoriasis truly impressed me. Some of Edgar Cayce’s medical techniques for treating psoriasis are still used by many people even today. In fact throughout his healing Edgar Cayce was very strong on diet and health in his healing treatments, To the best of my knowledge, modern medicine still does not have a definite cure for psoriasis even today.

In many books Edgar Cayce was hyped and proclaimed the "Sleeping Prophet." However, historically, Edgar Cayce's ability to heal other people was much more miraculous and wonderful, than his fame for making predictions-prophecies. On top of that healing people as opposed to amking predictions was much more helpful to people and human beings. Linda Caputi, a nurse, who diligently and thoroughly researched Edgar Cayce's treatment of epileptics, found that Edgar Cayce actually did, in fact, cure eight epileptics. 

The "miracle cure" of the Dietrich child is what gained Edgar Cayce immediate publicity and fame. The ‘Dietrich child' was, by all accounts catatonic and was besieged by seizures. Any way you look at that case, it was a veritable miracle.  What you should keep in mind is that, even today, modern medicine recognizes that the symptoms of epileptics can generally be managed - but as a rule, even with modern drugs, epileptics cannot be cured except perhaps with brain surgery.

The eight cured subjects were out of a sum total of 105 epileptics that he treated. Giving each epileptic cured, odds of occurring of one in a hundred (which is relatively conservative, in my view), produces an overall calculation of the final odds for all those cures of actually occurring of .000000062862. Needless to say, that is is statistically significant. Furthermore, epileptics weren't the only people Cayce cured, and as I mentioned earlier Cayce also appeared adept at curing victims of psoriasis. 

 My sense of Edgar Cayce is that, for many, he is a much misunderstood healer and spiritual leader. He was often touted as the “Sleeping Prophet” but the truth of it is that out of 14,306 “readings” Cayce made while in a trance, there were really only a handful of “striking” predictions. In fact, there seems actually to have been only a handful of truly exceptional predictions-prophecies, many of which dealt with World War II. 

Predictions of World War II

In 1935, in an amazing display of precognitive perception, Edgar Cayce described the pre-war forces at work in the world to a 29-year-old freight agent in reading 416-7. Cayce described a “growing of animosities” that were beginning to take shape in the world of nationalistic countries that would eventually build up to the catastrophic events of World War II. In a trance Edgar Cayce said, "As to the affairs of an international nature, these we find are in a condition of great anxiety on the part of many; not only as individuals but as to nations. And the activities that have already begun have assumed such proportions that there is to be the attempt upon the part of groups to penalize, or to make for the associations of groups to carry on same. This will make for the taking of sides, as it were, by various groups or countries or governments. This will be indicated by the Austrians, Germans, and later the Japanese joining in their influence; unseen, and gradually growing to those affairs where there must become, as it were, almost a direct opposition to that which has been the THEME of the Nazis (the Aryan). For these will gradually make for a growing of animosities.”
Cayce gave this reading before any of the dramatic world-shaking political events had begun to happen like the Spanish Civil War which was fought from 1936 to 1939 – or, the Japanese invasion of China in 1937. It wasn’t until March 1938, that Germany annexed Austria, The Munich agreement ceding parts of Czechoslovakia to Germany was signed in September 1938. World War II officially began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. 

In an even earlier reading in Virginia Beach, Va. on February 8, 1932, in response to a client’s question Edgar Cayce seemed to unconsciously connect a ‘breakup’ of the world with the Spanish civil war in 1936. Cayce stated, “Then, with the breaking up of in '36 (thirty-six) will be the CHANGES that will make the different MAPS of the world.” In Europe, after 1936, it was pretty much a quick downhill slide that rather suddenly seemed to take hold of the world. 

Christian Spiritual Leader

Edgar Cayce's real love and passion was spirituality and the Teachings of Christ. Edgar Cayce actually read the Bible cover–to-cover each and every year. And one of Cayce's most remarkable gifts to the world was his two volume book, A Search for God. I found reading a Search for God rather inspirational. Edgar Cayce seemed to approach the idea of God from a different perspective - frequently addressing consciousness especially the spiritual aspect of consciousness. 

Edgar Cayce was a very dedicated and committed Christian, and he embarked on his career as a healer and psychic" with the earnest desire to "help" other people. Many have come to view Edgar Cayce more as a healer and spiritual leader, whose compassion for the suffering and illnesses of others became manifest in unusual cures offered while in trance. It should be noted that Edgar Cayce had only a high school education but while in a trance demonstrated clearly a thorough and in depth medical knowledge of the human body and illnesses of people. Needless to say, helping others would necessarily relate to an instinctual drive to cooperate and connect with others.

                            Some Miscellaneous Highlights

Edgar Cayce did not know either German or Italian. So what are the odds of being able to give an entire reading in Italian? It is flat out impossible so technically the odds would be one over infinity. If you gave it odds of the equivalent of winning a mega-million lottery, those odds multiplied by the odds of curing eight cases of epilepsy would be astronomical. You could figure all other 14,300 readings as mistakes and still have a phenomenal number. Although Edgar Cayce was human and fallible, the only possible conclusion is that the results of Edgar Cayce are scientifically highly significant.

Nonlocal consciousness & Remote Viewing - Stephan Schwartz

Stephan Schwartz believes Edgar Cayce readings are the first evidence of nonlocal consciousness. In an article he cites a couple of Edgar Cayce readings to illustrate his point:

“Cayce Observation
‘He’s not here yet….he’s still on a bus……a wonderful smell of flowers….’
Feedback Report
’At the time the Reading was scheduled he was stuck on the bus….We had just opened his window and the smell of jasmine filled the room.’”

“Cayce Observation
’Yes, we have the body….quite a lot of body…lovely pajamas….’
Feedback Report
‘She is quite overweight, although how Cayce knew I cannot guess. She had on her new pajamas, with which she was very pleased.’” (Thru Time p.23)

In the literature about Edgar Cayce authors often note that Edgar Cayce frequently described the physical environment of the subject on detail and very accurately - which of course could be illustrations of nonlocal consciousness or remote viewing. In one case Cayce precisely described the office a person was in which included all the furniture. In another case Cayce described the paintings on the wall in the hallway of the house the person was in. 

Schwartz made note of the “smell of flowers” in the first case he cited and concluded that remote viewing involves all the senses. It would seem clear, since the sense of perception of smell was involved that at least this particular instance involved mental telepathy. Russell Targ, a scientist in remote viewing, seems to lean on akashic records as an explanation as opposed to mental telepathy. In Edgar Cayce readings it would seem likely his readings involved a synthesis of the senses.

              Being Human: No Psychic-Prophet has, or ever will be, Perfect. 

The theologian, Tim Callahan, pointed out that Ezekiel's prophecy-prediction that Tyre would be utterly and completely destroyed by the Babylonians did not turn out to come true. Tyre ended up making a deal with the Babylonians so the Babylonians withdrew.  Many acknowledge that Edgar Cayce (like all other psychics and prophets) was human and made mistakes. Cayce's earth change predictions - one of which included numerous sub-predictions of earthquakes, sea changes, and other earth changes - turned out to be completely wrong. 

Increasingly, his followers have become aware that, since Edgar Cayce was in a trance, the people asking the questions greatly influenced his mind set. Stephan Schwartz, the famous parapsychologist who performed remote viewing experiments for the Navy, remarked that Cayce once observed that the attitudes and minds of the people who were asking him questions while he was in a trance were a powerful force that could actually shape and determine his thinking and his responses. 

Furthermore, it would seem to stand to reason that, being in a weakened state of mind with the conscious ego absent, it would seem natural a person in a trance would most likely tend to try to oblige the person asking the questions by in some fashion or form providing some kind of an answer. I would argue it would ordinarily in most circumstances take conscious volition to raise objections to the questions – though Cayce did in fact do that from time to time, many from a 'prophetic' frame of mind as it were. 

Many people appear to have the preconception that a psychic can make predictions, as if looking into a crystal ball. However biologically, physiologically, psychologically, or spiritually it wouldn't make sense to "make predictions to make predictions." Those who tried, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, and Jeane Dixon, all had very high rates of failures in their efforts in making predictions to make predictions. Though I am not an Edgar Cayce scholar, my impression is that Edgar Cayce had a higher rate of failure when asked "global" questions while in a trance versus being asked questions of an individual person in World War II for example.    

Speaking in Foreign Languages: Then there is the fact that it is documented twice that Edgar Cayce spoke in foreign languages he did not consciously know – once in German and once in Italian. On the face of it to be quite literally "Impossible!" 

                          Theresa Caputo, The Long Island Medium

Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium, is a contemporary psychic-medium on TV who contacts the spirits of departed loved ones and in doing so helps her subjects gain closure and comfort. Most often the subjects of her demonstrations thank her profusely and profoundly because of the sense of closure and relief they have gained. Mediums contact “spirits” mostly for the purpose of helping them communicate with their loved ones who are still living on earth. Generally, for each subject, Theresa Caputo expresses things and ideas that only the loved one (or the subject sometimes) would know. 

Now, if you assign the chance occurrence of each of Theresa Caputo's verbalizations of transcendental information that she 'received - which would by all appearances could only seem to come from the subject's departed loved one, of happening, as 1 in 10, then only ten pieces of information from the 'departed loved one' would result in overall chances of one in ten billion. 

For instance Theresa asked a young man whose father had died if the number 10 meant anything to his father. The young man said, “Yes. That is the date of my father’s death. Now the odds of being able to come up with a number that reflected a date would necessarily be closer to 1 in 30 so I believe assigning a 1 in ten chance is conservative, and results only need to be significant not fantastic or out of this world. 

Human Beings Make Mistakes - That is What Human Beings Do!

When I talk to people about Theresa Caputo, often people object, stating that things could easily be manipulated by the TV crew or studio - that a lot of mistakes could end up on the cutting floor. A friend of my sister told my sister that she went to see a performance of Theresa Caputo, and her friend came away very disappointed. As I mentioned earlier some expect psychics - of all the trades to be more perfect and infallible than any other trade for whatever reason, when they would, on the face of ti, mots likely to make many more mistakes than anyone else- being the Art of Arts. Psychics and prophets are all human and they all make mistakes. I have made plenty of mistakes, and I plan to make a whole lot more before I die (my prayer to God these days, is "Please, God, "Protect and guide me through this corona virus so I can make a lot more mistakes before I die!"   Hmmm?? - Doesn't sound right does it??)  

A statistical analysis demonstrates that if, for every ten ‘true’ or valid psychic displays, and Theresa Caputo makes 100 mistakes for those ten valid perceptions, then the overall odds of her being able to produce those ten true demonstrations would still be one in 100 million. That is the way the math works out. 

Science loves consistency - which makes Theresa Caputo truly a superstar because she is so consistent. I have personally seen a fair number of her shows and I believe that without question the odds of her doing what she has done would without question be astronomical if ever calculated. Lastly, I would emphasize that Theresa Caputo does in fact truly help and benefit others in gaining closure with their departed loved ones. On her show many of her clients/subjects are profuse in giving Theresa Caputo thanks. The proof is in the pudding.  

It would seem fitting to introduce the paranormal with a preface about Jung. Jung was man with an unfettered imagination which expressed itself early in childhood. Besides remembering strange dreams laden with symbolism from his childhood, Jung also recalled seeing “apparitions” at nighttime during a time when his parents were undergoing a period of marital stress when he was seven or eight. Jung relates seeing an “apparition with its head detached emerging from his mother’s door. Later in life, Jung attended seances in order to learn about mediums and spirits.   

Jung’s spiritual guide, Philemon, first appeared to him in a dream: “There was a blue sky, like the sea, covered not by clouds but by flat brown clods of earth. It looked as if the clods were breaking apart and the blue water of the sea were becoming visible between them. But the water was the blue sky. Suddenly there appeared from the right a winged being sailing across the sky. I saw that it was an old man with the horns of a bull. He held a bunch of four keys, one of which he clutched as if he were about to open a lock. He had the wings of the kingfisher with its characteristic colors.” (Memories…p.182-183). Since Jung didn’t really understand the image or the dream, he painted a picture of the figure he had seen. While he painted the picture, he found a dead Kingfisher in his yard which surprised him greatly since he had never seen one before - or after, for that matter and kingfisher were extremely rare in Zurich. As Jung relates the story Philemon became his mentor spirit with whom he imagines having many conversations. 

Jung (Collected Works, vol 8; para 950) related the story of a woman who went into a coma but later revived. “A woman patient, whose reliability and truthfulness I have no reason to doubt, told me that her first birth was very difficult. After thirty hours of fruitless labour the doctor considered that a forceps delivery was indicated.” After viewing with great detachment her nurse’s alarm after she had felt that “she was sinking through the bed into a bottomless void.” She didn’t remember anything for a long time. “The next thing she was aware of was that, without feeling her body and its position, she was looking down from a point in the ceiling and could see everything going on in the room below her: she saw herself lying in the bed, deadly pale, with closed eyes. Beside her stood the nurse. The doctor paced up and down the room excitedly, and it seemed to her that he had lost his head and didn’t know what to do. Her relatives crowded to the door. Her mother and her husband came in and looked at her with frightened faces. She told herself it was too stupid of them to think she was going to die, for she would certainly come round again.”

All this time she knew that behind her was a glorious, park-like landscape shining in the brightest colours, and in particular an emerald green meadow with short grass, which sloped gently upwards beyond a wrought-iron gate leading into the park. It was spring, and little gay flowers such as she had never seen before were scattered about in the grass. The whole demesne sparkled in the sunlight, and all the colours were of an indescribable splendour. The sloping meadow was flanked on both sides by dark green trees. It gave her the impression of a clearing in the forest, never yet trodden by the foot of man. “I knew that this was the entrance to another world, and that if I turned round to gaze at the picture directly, I should feel tempted to go in at the gate, and thus step out of life.”

As Jung relates the story, “The next thing that happened was that she awoke from her coma and saw the nurse bending over her in bed. She was told that she had been unconscious for about half an hour.” The woman related what she remembered from her near-death experience, which the nurse first rejected out of hand because the woman had been unconscious. “Only when she described in full detail what had happened during the coma was the nurse obliged to admit that the patient had perceived the events exactly as they happened in reality.” From a couple other near-death experiences that I have heard the woman’s vivid vision of the “glorious” landscape fits others descriptions of visions they have seen.  

                                Instinctual Processes in Spiritual-Psychic Experiences.

There aren't a lot of documented illustrations of warnings and predictions of assassinations, but predictions and warnings of assassination are the most prevalent examples in psychic and spiritual literature. Fairly early on, it dawned on me that since most of my precognitive experiences were about assassination and terrorism and that they could be perceived as "perceived threats to the group," which would likely mean that some instinctual processes are involved. The prominent parapsychologist Daryl Bem stated that both he and Dean Radin, another prominent parapsychologist both agree that instinctual processes are involved in much of psychic phenomena. Take the TV star, Theresa Caputo, who is known as the "Long Island Medium." Theresa Caputo "connects" with the spirits of departed loved ones. Her subjects, people who have lost loved ones, frequently thank her profusely for helping them gain closure. In that sense instinctual processes for helping others would be pivotal. The same could be said of Edgar Cayce who was good at healing people of illnesses and disease. 

While, "psychic" warnings or predictions of assassinations are the only truly consistent type of documented illustrations in history, across the centuries there are only a limited number of documented illustrations of predictions of deaths of leaders or assassinations: 
1. The assassination of President John Kennedy: Jeane Dixon tried to warn JFK through a DC socialite who had been on his inauguration committee. This is documented only because one of her biographers interviewed the socialite.
2. The assassination of Julius Caesar, whose assassination was predicted by a seer-high priest as well as in his wife's bloody nightmare the night before his assassination, which is historically documented.
3. The assassination of Abraham Lincoln who had a nightmare about his own assassination in which he had dreamed that he saw his casket lying in state in the White House. It is historically documented because he told his cabinet about it a short time before he was assassinated. 
4. Catholic Saint Liguori, who went into a coma as his leader, the pope was on his death bed. 
5. The assassination of Assyrian King Sennacharib documented as a prophecy in the Old Testament
6. My own notarized, precognitive “What a nightmare” warning to the FBI about the terrorist group the Weathermen (now actually the Weather Underground) as well as my verbal warning to the FBI of the impending assassination attempt of President Reagan).
7. Nostradamus' famous quatrain 35 that purportedly related to the death of a French king at a jousting tournament, while talked about in letters of ambassadors to France, is now argued by scholars to have been first published after the event of the French King's death, so I can't really use it as a "documented" illustration.

I feel it is important to understand that instinctual processes may well be involved especially when reviewing the literature like presentiment research.  Another very salient characteristic of spiritual-psychic phenomena which is very evident from my research is that there is a marked difference between documented pre-WWI spiritual-psychic phenomena and post-WWII spiritual-psychic phenomena. Both the quantity and quality of post-WWI spiritual-psychic experiences are greatly improved (i.e Theresa Caputo, Edgar Cayce, Jeane Dixon)!  I mean, Theresa Caputo, by herself, would appear to more than match the documented spiritual-psychic experiences of the last two thousand years. It would appear that the dramatic changes in the social-cultural as well as the physical environment would likely be a pivotal influence. 


Jeane Dixon, who is for all practical purposes an undocumented psychic since almost all her significant ‘predictions’ were spontaneous and verbal, did have her warning to a Washington D.C. socialite of JFK’s assassination was documented when her biographer interviewed the D.C. socialite – which I thought I would mention in passing.



                                            Brief note about the Old Testament and documented psychics

The Old Testament in the Bible records some interesting illustrations of spiritual-psychic experiences. The story of Joseph, Jacob’s son, told both in the Old Testament and the Koran, has a rather inexplicable amount of detail in it since the events occurred so far before the events were actually recorded. Joseph, who was wrongly thrown in prison, interpreted the dreams of the Pharaoh’s cup-bearer and baker who had been thrown in prison. Joseph correctly predicted that the chief cup-bearer would be reinstated but the chief baker would be hanged. Abraham, one of the Jewish Patriarchs, who was told by angels of the impending doom of Sodom and Gomorrah, actually questioned God about the fate of the two cities, asking if God would change his mind if there were enough righteous people to be found in those cities.

While many perceive the Old Testament prophets as “perfect, when it comes to specific details there aren’t as many precise details as one might think. For instance, the prophet Jeremiah warned of the “foe from the North” and in the beginning never addressed the Babylonian threat which eventually materialized as the primary threat to Judah. When Babylon did indeed attack and conquer and devastate Judah and Jerusalem as Jeremiah had warned time and time again, he prophesied that the captives the Babylonians had taken would not be released soon as the popular and false prophets said but that it would take 70 years. If one looks at the actual liberation of the Jewish people from Babylon, it actually happened a short time prior than that – though many theologians manipulate the dating of the captivity so it comes out to be 70. My argument is that it is the “narrative” that makes prophecy not the “prediction.” Jeremiah stood up to, challenged, and confronted Judah’s leaders. He was publicly mocked and abused; he was thrown in jail; yet he always persevered. I argue that the prevalent obsession with the “predictions” versus the message and the narrative as well as the prevalent belief that prophets must and are somehow perfect is an illustration of nonconscious processes innate in the human mind. 


I would note that I did go through Nostradamus' 900 plus quatrains and predictions. Personally, my view of predictions is they either makes sense and are reasonable in some sense or another or they simply are not. My rule in analyzing his quatrains was that if there was not some kind of at least a somewhat specific description of the central action with at least a couple of specific details, then that quatrain was thrown out and eliminated. When I was done there were only a handful of legitimate ‘predictions’ and of those 'surviving' predictions, most could be described as descriptions of a perceived threat to his group, which was France.I should note Nostradamus' famous quatrain 35 which on the face of it was an accurate and detailed prediction of the results of the jousting tournament involving the King of France, I did not include because there is some evidence which shows that the quatrain wasn't actually published until after the event. The sources of that were in French and since I have forgotten all my French I couldn't really double-check. 



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